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Lottery Tuesday!

Okay here we go, another Lottery Tuesday! I’ve posted the ticket above. I played five chances and am sure if we all think positively we can pull this off.

Here’s my plan, since the AB bar in France is closed for a bit, I’ll fly everyone in to New York until it reopens and we can fuck around here in the city.

After I set up friends and family with money, I calculate that there will be about 10 to 15 million left
, so what I want to do is take that money and go nuts with it. Basically we’ll all go on an adventure until the money is gone. I’ll pay for the whole thing with the Lottery money and I’ll give everyone who participates $100,000 that they can use as “walking around” money for when it's over, because everyone will have to quit their jobs to be in on this.

So once again, all you have to do is say, “I’m in” in the comments below and you’ll be part of the party!

Let’s all think positive and make this happen!


Squeal of Fortune Answer

Zioum Zioum is the winner of yesterday's Squeal of Fortune! She had the correct answer which was, the two comedians were George Carlin and Lenny Bruce and they were both arrested for public obscenity charges. Congratulations, Zioum Zioum and thanks to biff, Gene1, JHwang and Professor Dungpie for chiming in as well!

Zioum Zioum
Any comedian who works “blue” today should thank Lenny Bruce. His career started out as a fairly straight comedian, but soon he started testing the waters with dirty words and topics such as sex and racism that no comedians were joking about back then. He also wrote brilliantly funny essays for Playboy magazine.

Lenny Bruce was first arrestted in San Francisco in 1961 for using the word, “cocksucker” in his act. He went to trial and was found not guilty, but cops and undercover police started monitoring his shows and Lenny Bruce was arrested and found guilty of obscenity in 1964 and was sentenced to four months at a labor camp. For cussing on a stage! Bruce and his attorney appealed the verdict and Lenny Bruce was allowed to be free during this time.

He pretty much became obsessed with his trial after this and his performances were him reading court transcripts to a tepid reception. He had always indulged in drugs, but now with this looming over him he really started hitting it and on August 3, 1966 Lenny Bruce died of a morphine overdose.

In 1970, they overturned his conviction, clearing his name for his family, friends and fans.

Lenny Bruce has a been a huge influence on many comedians, musicians and writers (myself included.) But none more so than George Carlin.

Carlin’s career pretty much mimicked Lenny Bruce’s. He started out a straight comic appearing on the Jack Paar Show and Ed Sullivan among others. In the mid sixties however, he traded his suit and tie for jeans and tye-dye t-shirts and grew his hair and beard long.

One of his most famous bits was written during this time, “The Seven Words You Can’t Say On Television.” It was on an album called “Class Clown,” and I remember howling at it when I was in high school.

Carlin got arrested after performing the bit at a Milwaukee Summefest (hello Professor Dungpie!) on July 21, 1972. The charge was later dismissed because no disturbance had been created.

Here’s George Carlin riffing on “dirty” words (Thanks to Zioum Zioum for finding this!):

Here’s a great scene from a pseudo documentary on Lenny Bruce with Dustin Hoffman doing a great job as Lenny.

Congratulations to Zioum Zioum and thanks to everyone for playing along! We'll see you next week on...SQUEAL OF FORTUNE!


Commentator Corner

Welcome to Commentator Corner. If you’re a commentator at the Marty Wombacher Show, feel free to send me images, writings, thoughts, photos, whatever. You’re a part of the show and I’m happy to spotlight your creativity.

Grompf is the spotlit Commentator of the day. We all love his comments and now we can love his photography.

Today’s photos were taken by Grompf at the AB bar in France, where he and Zioum Zioum drink beers along with the rest of the AB family. I love the sepia tones and the nice feeling you get from looking at these wonderful photos of a wonderful place that as soon as I hit the Lottery we’ll all be drinking at.

Grompf says that while some of his photography has a back story to it, these photos tell the stories all by themselves. And they certainly do and the moral to this story is, “Cheers!”

So cheers to Grompf and to all of you! I look forward to more Grompf photos!


To Tuesday!

If you’re reading this, you made it through Monday! Congratulations to you! At least we got that fucking day out of the way! Onwards and upwards! And speaking of upwards, the Mega-Millions Lottery is now up to 124 million (it might be higher, I haven’t checked since yesterday.) So that means another Lotto Tuesday and I’ve got new plans if I hit it that I’ll post later with what I think will be the winning ticket.

Speaking of posting later I’ve got a fun show lined up today. We’ve got the answer to the Squeal of Fortune contest coming up, Grompf is the spotlit Commentator and he’s sent in some great photos of the bar that we will all be drinking at in France after I hit the Lottery, I’ve got a new Crossbreeding episode and there’s going to be some other stuff as well. I’m just not sure what it is, because I haven’t written it yet.

I love “Boris’” Home Page art because it features exactly what I’m drinking right now, diet Mountain Dew! We should get a sponsorship from those motherfuckers! But the fact that I just called them motherfuckers, probably won’t help matters much! Anyway, great job Daddio! And “Boris” is available for freelance work ranging from custom website art to logos, retouching and just about anything you could desire. Just send me an email from the Home Page and I will pass it along.

Okay, The Daily Photo and Condensed Gossip are coming up within minutes. Stay tuned or check back often. The newest updates will be shown at the bottom of the Home Page for your viewing convenience.



Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw
Jaws the Cabbie

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW


Daily Video

The Chairman of the Board

I can’t remember what year it was, but it was one of my family’s last “family vacations” and we were in Florida and my dad said he had gotten tickets for a Frank Sinatra concert. I remember me and my brother Jim thinking what a drag it was going to be, I mean we were into the Beatles and the Stones, how good could this old timer be live? We had seen Paul Revere and the Raiders in concert after all! I remember they had some jerk-off comic open up and we were already fidgety. But then the houselights went down and Frank Sinatra came out and started singing with his big band. And he blew us away! It opened up a whole new door for us and in addition to rock and roll we started listening to Frank, Dino and Sammy and realized these were cool guys too.

Here’s Frank with, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin.”


And Now A Word From Our (Fake) Sponsor


Children's Letters To The Marty Wombacher Show

How the fuck would I know? What, do I like like Mr. Wizard here? Fuck you!


Hey Erica, see that box that you’re watching the show on? It’s a computer, you ignorant slut!


Wow, that’s amazing, Einstein. I’ve got one word for you, Bobby: Calculator! Oh, and Bobby? Your mother’s a whore!


Squeal of Fortune!

This is a game I’m going to post every week on Mondays. Basically it’s kind of like Wheel of Fortune, sans Vanna White, Pat Sajak and cash and prizes and a wheel. And a studio audience.

Below I’m putting a sentence with some letters left blank and a clue. The first person to correctly fill in the blanks in the comments section wins. I’ll post their name tomorrow if there is one and they can squeal for joy and/or like a pig.

Okay, here’s the clue (no fair Googling!):

These two comedians were both arrested for the same offense. One was popular in the fifties and sixties and the other started in the sixties and was popular for decades. Both are now dead. Name the two comedians and the charge that they were arrested for.

50’s, 60’s Comedian:
•en••    •ru•e

60’s and decades Comedian:
•eo••e    •a•li•

Charge they were arrested for:
P••li•    •bs••nit•


Commentator Corner

Welcome to Commentator Corner. If you’re a commentator at the Marty Wombacher Show, feel free to send me images, writings, thoughts, photos, whatever. You’re a part of the show and I’m happy to spotlight your creativity.

In addition to leaving great comments and introducing the phrase, “Jesus Hole” to all of us, Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw is also a very talented painter and artist. Here’s her second contribution to Commentator Corner. It’s a painting she did in 2008, titled, "La Griffe de Mai" (The claw of May).

Here’s what Zioum Zioum had to say about the painting:

Zioum Zioum

This is a painting I made in 2008. The title is "La Griffe de Mai" (The claw of May)

A lot of people in France have been very disturbed by this painting. They wonder so much about it and ask me a lot of questions. I always kept it a mystery and let people themselves shed the light on it. What I like is when people invent their own explanations and stories. I hope TMWS commentators will write some funny chapters and let the legend go on ;).

Zioum Zioum sent me three versions of the painting. And these are the subtitles for each one:
1 - Complex
2 - Sex
3 - Durex

Thanks for sending this Zioum Zioum and we look forward to seeing more of your artwork here at the Commentator Corner!

1 - Complex

2 - Sex

3 - Durex