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Website of the Week

Once a week I thought I’d feature a website that’s just doing something for the sheer fuck and love of it. So please don’t send me links to your band’s website or your blog for this. But if you know of someone doing something fun and/or wacky, please email me the link and it might just end up the Website of the Week! (Like that’s a big fucking deal!)

This Weeks Website: The Angriest Dog in the World

Flimmaker David Lynch did this comic strip for nine years (1983-1992) and it’s probably my all time favorite comic strip. The strip was always the same image of the world’s angriest dog straining at his leash and growling. The introduction was always the same too: “The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He can just barely growl.”

Lynch conceived the strip in 1973 after experiencing a time of great anger in his life, so he projected his feelings onto the angriest dog in the world. The idea finally went into fruition in 1983 in the L.A. Reader and slowly it was published in other weeklies and alternative publications until 1992. It’s one of those things that people seem to either love or hate, but personally I love it! The only thing that changed week to week was the dialogue coming from the inside of the house.

Here’s a link to the Angriest Dog in the World!

Angriest Dog In The World!


Bringing Up The Rear


Reader's Photos!

This starts a new section for TMWS!

My friend Joanna (I can’t publish her last name, she mumbled some sort of reason why and all I heard was the words, “iridescent cupcakes” and “crystal meth lab” and I really didn’t want to know anymore, I have my own troubles to deal with) saw this sign when she was walking around the Garment District and was kind enough to take a photo of it and let us put it up in this post. And here it is, along with a custom made caption written by yours fooly:

Sign Translation: Satan digs the Jesus Hole.

If you have an unusual photo, attach the jpg to an email to the show (email is on the Home Page) and maybe I’ll use it. Include a photo of yourself if you like! Here’s Joanna!



Commentator Corner

Welcome to Commentator Corner. If you’re a commentator at the Marty Wombacher Show, feel free to send me images, writings, thoughts, photos, whatever. You’re a part of the show and I’m happy to spotlight your creativity.

Last Saturday I posted a video from a new character I’m very intrigued with called Pigmy Will. If you missed that post, you can read it here and then come back, Pigmy Will Post.

Jaws the Cabbie
was so taken with the series he came up with his own interpretive portrait of Pigmy Will and sent it in for the Commentator Corner. I think he did an excellent job and I think Pigmy Will will think so too (it’s been rumored he stops by here now and again). Thanks for this contribution, Jaws, great work!

Pigmy Will by Jaws

Jaws has a book out called Two Fisted Driving Tales, if you liked Bernie X from the National Lampoon, you’ll love the book, check it out here:
Two Fisted Driving Tales

And Jaws’ other book, Two Fisted Customer Service Tales can be checked out here:
Two Fisted Customer Service Tales

Jaws The Cabbie
And check out more Pigmy Will here: Allee Willis Blog.


It's Not Over Yet!

Okay, so we didn't win the Lottery today. Neither did anyone else! It's up to 146 million motherfucking dollars! I'd rather win on a Friday anyway. Tuesday is an asshole day, so fuck it! Friday for sure! I'll post the ticket then. Get ready for a wonderful weekend that will last a long time.


Humpty Dumpty Whoopdie Doodle Day

It’s Humpty Dumpty Whoopdie Doodle Day!
Middle of the week, time to cruise over the hump and start sailing into the weekend zone!

But first there’s today’s show! Jaws the Cabbie is featured in the Commentators Corner, I’ve got the website of the week, a bit on Kim Kardashian and the debut episode of Reader’s Photos featuring Joanna. And of course there’ll be a fake ad and the Daily Video in the early evening.

Boris’” Home Page art is very cool today! Industrial and arty at the same time. As you can see from all the different art he has created for the Home Page art, “Boris” is an artist that can work in many styles and formats, so if you need freelance art for your webstie, CD cover, band or business logo, “Boris” is the man! Just email me from the Home Page and I’ll pass it along.

Okay, grab your socks because here we go! First up, Daily Photo and then Condensed Gossip. Pull up a chair and stay tuned or check back often, newest updates are at the bottom of the Home Page. Woo and hoo.


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw
Joey D
meleah rebeccah

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Daily Video

This Could Be The Greatest NIght Of Our LIves!

This is my favorite scene from one of my favorite movies. Personally I think this is Belushi’s finest moment in a movie. I remember going to see Animal House in the movie theater and you only could hear half of it because the crowd was laughing so hard. I think I saw this about a dozen times in theaters when it first came out. I watched it a lot, because this was pre video, YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc. and you knew that once it left the theater you wouldn’t see it again. Now with all this bulllshit out you can watch it all the time and it has ruined everything!

But for now, enjoy the greatest Belushi speech ever!


And Now A Word From Our (Fake) Sponsor



I crossed a common three letter word with the son of God with Courtney Love’s band and got The Jesus Hole!