Commentator Corner
Welcome to Commentator Corner. If you’re a commentator at the Marty Wombacher Show, feel free to send me images, writings, thoughts, photos, whatever. You’re a part of the show and I’m happy to spotlight your creativity.
In addition to leaving great comments and introducing the phrase, “Jesus Hole” to all of us, Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw is also a very talented painter and artist. Here’s her second contribution to Commentator Corner. It’s a painting she did in 2008, titled, "La Griffe de Mai" (The claw of May).
Here’s what Zioum Zioum had to say about the painting:
This is a painting I made in 2008. The title is "La Griffe de Mai" (The claw of May)
A lot of people in France have been very disturbed by this painting. They wonder so much about it and ask me a lot of questions. I always kept it a mystery and let people themselves shed the light on it. What I like is when people invent their own explanations and stories. I hope TMWS commentators will write some funny chapters and let the legend go on ;).
Zioum Zioum sent me three versions of the painting. And these are the subtitles for each one:
1 - Complex
2 - Sex
3 - Durex
Thanks for sending this Zioum Zioum and we look forward to seeing more of your artwork here at the Commentator Corner!
1 - Complex
2 - Sex
3 - Durex
Reader Comments (16)
I can't read French, but I'm guessing the words, Jesus Hole are there. LOL! Seriously, great and (I'm guessing) emotional artwork! Thanks for sharing it with us, Zioum Zioum! To Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw!
I agree with Gene! Powerful and emotional artwork from Zioum Zioum.
All three paintings seem to have a bittersweet quality, memories of things gone by that, perhaps, could have gone better than they did. I agree with the comments above that these paintings have strong emotionally unsettling properties. They tend to cry out. Like Gene, I can't understand a word of French, but in the case of these paintings...I don't feel that it's necessary.
Thank you everybody for your comment ! :D
I'm waiting professor Dungpie for a dirty cynical story about this painting ;D ha ha ha!
Pie or not pie? pussy smelling eucalyptus or smelling absinthe?? I'm anxious to read!
Can someone send a bottle of absinthe to Marty's PO Box , so we both can share & see "la fée verte" .
Absinthe is still banned in France, but if I go to Spain or hear someone going there, I will see what I can do! promise !!!
Amazing work Zioum Zioum.
Don't ever lose your visions.
To Zioum! I nothing dirty or cynical to say about your very moving......and dramatic paintings! You are very talented! These are very original pieces! Bravo! i may just add.......that you french gals have some messy sex......and your french boys sure do blow some beautiful loads! They do know that they are supposed to wear the comdoms and not just stick them on your blouse....right! By the way.....i think i see Leanord Cohen in one of the condoms........Brilliant! God love the French..........If i blew a load like that on my wife's blouse.....she would cut my dick off! To French Pussy!
To French Pussy!
To American dick!
ha ha !
Thanks Boris and Professor Dungpie for comments !!! :D