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God is One Incorrigible Rascal!

I’m not a real religious person, in fact sometimes I doubt that there’s a God at all. But for the sake of argument, let’s just say that there is a God. If so, he’s one mean son of a bitch! And here’s my theory to back it up.

First off, this theory is more or less based on the Catholic religion’s teachings. I went to Catholic grade and high school, so this is the only God I know of. Which is actually two Gods, God and Jesus a.k.a: “The Son of God.” According to Catholic teaching (and some of this I’m a little fuzzy on, I haven’t been a practicing Catholic for quite some time) God sent his son Jesus down to earth. Now at face value this doesn’t seem like  such a horrible thing. But think about it, you’re the son of God, and you have to go slumming on earth? I mean these guys live in Heaven, a paradise that’s so blissful we earthlings can’t even comprehend it. Earth to these guys must be like the world’s grungiest sewer filled with rat piss and camel snot. Imagine the conversation between God and his only son Jesus when God tells him he’s shipping him off to earth.

God: “Hey Jesus, you wanna come over here for a minute, I’ve got something I need you to do.”

Jesus: “Yeah Dad, what’s up?”

God: “Well I’ve got an idea. I’d like you to go to live on earth for about 33 years.”

Jesus: “You’re kidding, right? That place is a toilet!”

And then God breaks the following news to Jesus.

God: “Well I think this would be good for you. You’re living here in Heaven for eternity, 33 years on earth isn’t going to kill you...well, at least not in a way we comprehend up here.

Jesus: “What? I’m going to be killed?”

God: “Listen, it’s better for you not to know what’s going to happen. Just do what I tell you. I’m your father and I’m God!”

Jesus: “I don’t like the sounds of this at all. And what, I’m just going to be beamed down or something? Won’t that attract a lot of attention?”

God: “Oh I’ve got that all figured out. You’re going to be born as an infant to a virgin.”

Jesus: “What? A virgin? That’s not the way it happens down there! You oughta know, you created the whole process.”

God: “I know, I know. But I want your birth to be special, some sort of sign for the earthlings.”

Jesus: “This sounds like some sort of freak show. Count me out. Send an angel or someone from hell to do your dirty work.”

God: “Look Jesus, this is for your own good. I’m not asking here, I’m telling! And you’re leaving in one week, so get your proverbial shit together!”

And so that’s that. I mean Jesus is one powerful son of a bitch, but he’s no match for God. God could fuck him up big time. So the deal is done. But Jesus isn’t the only one God’s fucking with in this whole deal.

First off, there’s Mary, who’s a virgin and she winds up pregnant! Imagine that shit. She’s trying to keep herself pure and chaste and with one zap—BABOOM—God makes her pregnant. “Thank you God, gee that’s great!” She might as well have been fucking the whole football team on a weekly basis.

And then there’s Joseph. That sorry-ass son of a bitch. Now I can’t remember if Joseph gets hooked up with Mary before or after God impregnates her, but the fact of the matter is this poor schnook is saddled with a pregnant gal-pal that he can’t have sex with because she’s giving birth to the son of God and she has to stay a virgin. What kind of second thoughts must he have had? You know he’s outside jerking off in the bushes muttering to himself, “Son of bitch. Out of all of the women in the world to get mixed up with! A virgin whose giving birth to the son of God! Just my fucking luck! I knew I should’ve gone after that slut Mary Magdalen!”

And to top it all off, they’re so poor, they have to have the baby in a fucking barn in the middle of winter! Unbelievable!

Imagine Jesus opening his eyes. You know, he’s in Heaven one minute and the next thing he’s crawling out of Mary and into a freezing barn with goats and shit breathing down his neck. And right away the weirdos start coming around. They’ve barely got the placenta cleaned up and who shows up but the three fucking wisemen! Carrying gifts of gold, frankensence and myrhh. Well, whoopdeefuckingdoo! Now first off I want to know what in the fuck is frankensence and myrhh? I’ve been to a lot of department stores in my day, and damn it all if I’ve ever seen a frankensence and myrhh department. My theory is that these three “wisemen” didn’t have a pot to piss in so they put some weeds and shit in a box and thought up these exotic names. Like they’re going to fool God anyway. And then we’re supposed to believe that that’s real gold? Yeah right. If it was real gold, you wouldn’t need anything else, would you? Gold’s a pretty fucking good stand alone gift, why would you need to dress it up with anything else? It was probably so fake looking they put it on the bottom to hide it. You know, “Here you go Son of God, welcome to the world! Here’s some frankensence, myrrh and...oh yeah, there’s some gold at the bottom of the box. You can check it out later.” Yeah, right! Fucking wiseguys. The second thing I want to know is don’t these jerk-offs have anything better to do than wander around from barn to barn trying to find the son of God in the dead of winter? I mean can you say “Stalker?”

Well anyway, it is a fitting introduction for Jesus to this world. From there on in his whole life consists of having to perform miracles like a some kind of a fucking wind-up circus act and then healing all kinds of crippled people. And you have to hand it to him, he doesn’t complain and he always gives the people what they want. I mean how sweet would it have been to pal around with a guy who’s turning water into wine! That’s some cool-ass shit! So Jesus is probably thinking the whole time, “A few more years of this horseshit and then I’m back in paradise.” But that mean-ass, son of a bitch God has a few tricks up his sleeve for his only son in his last year on earth. He decides to have him viciously killed by the very people he had been doing miracles and all that shit for.

Once again, unbelievable! When Jesus turned 33 he had to be thinking, “Well this crap is just about over. I’ve done a good job, Dad’s probably going to reward me with something big. Maybe I’ll get to take over Heaven! Oh hot damn!” Instead he winds up getting nailed to a cross by everybody he had helped out in all those years. What a fucking way to go! Being nailed to a cross and then you have to hang there till you die with everybody staring at you like it’s an event at a tractor pull or something.

Jesus must’ve been royally pissed. Imagine his thoughts as he hung on that fucking cross: “Thanks Dad! Yeah this is great. You have me jump through fucking hoops of fire for these thankless pricks just so they can eventually nail me to a cross like I’m a fucking picture frame or something! Yeah this is a great lesson to learn Dad. And the lesson is this: NEVER LEAVE HEAVEN! These people are seriously fucked up down here! Okay, I’ve learned the lesson can I come back now? Hello?”

And God knew all this would happen. He knows it all. But he doesn’t give a flying fuck. He’s up in paradise laughing his ass off at his own son’s misfortunes. What a sadistic asshole! And when Jesus finally dies and gets to go back to Heaven, what does God tell him? “Good job son, there’s just one more little thing. Now you need to go back and rise from the dead and hang out with these people and forgive everyone of them.”

This proves one and only one thing: God is one incorrigible rascal!


New Website Alert!

While I was off on hiatus I had an idea for a new website to run along with The Marty Wombacher Show. And Monday I’m going to launch it.

Unlike  this show, it’s going to be something real simple and updated just once a day, but I think it’s going to be a lot of fun and hope you enjoy it! I’ll be announcing it on Monday, but I thought I’d be a dick and make a post announcing it without actually saying what it is! Stay tuned!


You're a Little Late Ted

The National Enquirer reports that Ted Kennedy wants forgiveness from Mary Jo Kopechne.

Gee, that's great Ted, but I don't think she can do that because she's DEAD! Don't you remember? You drowned her after all! Good luck with that brain cancer, Teddy! Have some chowder and scotch and maybe you'll feel better.


Lazy-Ass Sunday!

Okay, welcome back to another lazy-ass Sunday edtion of The Marty Wombacher Show! The Daily Photo and fishwrap are still shut down, but they’ll be back tomorrow when I have a full-fledged show with everything updated.

But today we have the religious edition of Condensed Gossip going up soon, there’s going to be a post titled, "God is One Incorrigible Rascal!” which I’ll put up here in a bit and maybe a couple other posts, depending on what’s in the news. So check back, enjoy your Sunday and dream a little dream with me. Ta-da!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris"

Commentator Corner: Joey Delgado

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Joey D
Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw


Daily Video

Sorry I'm late with this, I was at work and YouTube is blocked there along with porn and every other fun thing on the internet.

Anyway, this is a clip of Cheap Trick performing on a Japanese TV show. I find it hilarious that it appears to be a little kids show and they're smoking and drinking!



Vlad the Impaler’s Dayrunner (Monday June 3, 1468)

Here’s something I wrote years ago when I was writing a weekly humor column for Toast website. Enjoy!


Vlad the Impaler’s Dayrunner (Monday June 3, 1468)

Monday June 3

7:00 am: wake up, bathe, breakfast

8:00: clean up impaling room

9:00: go to impaling stick store

10:00: sharpen impaling sticks

11:00: impale

12:00pm: lunch (cheese sandwich, soup)

1:00: scare villagers

2:00: impale

3:00: impale

4:00: meeting with Karl the Kitty Teaser

5:00: impale

6:00: impale

7:00: dinner (roast chicken, ale)

8:00: impale

9:00: impale 

10:00: catch up on reading (Chicken Soup for the Impaled)

11:00: bedtime

12:00 am: count impaled sheep


Commentator Corner - Joey D's Zombie-Woof Zoo

Welcome to the inaugural posting of Commentator Corner. If you’re a commentator at the Marty Wombacher Show, feel free to send me images, writings, thoughts, photos, whatever. You’re a part of the show and I’m happy to spotlight your creativity.

Joey Delgado (Joey D) is today’s spotlit Commentator and he has a knack for finding freaky animals on the roadside of the internet highway. Here’s his first entry from his Zombie-Woof Zoo collection that he’s sharing with us. This one answers the age-old question: “Why does a monkey suck his own dick? Because he can!”

Thanks Joey, keep the Zombie-Woof images coming (pun intended.

Joey D


Saturday Poll


Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Cum

What a fucked up three weeks I had at work! But now the crisis is almost over and I don’t want to think about it, much less write about it, but Monday I go back to nights and hopefully things will be normal for me again.

As far as The Marty Wombacher Show is concerned, if you’re reading this, know I truly appreciate you being loyal to the show and coming back. I realize I’ve probably lost a good chunk of the audience, so thanks to all those who haven’t tuned out!

Okay, since it’s Saturday and I’m a little rusty at this, it’ll be a somewhat limited show, as Saturday’s always are. The Daily Photo and fishwrap won’t be back till Monday, but we do have Condensed Gossip going up within minutes (and I’m adding a new feature here, a daily “Celebrity Mug Shot”), a Saturday Poll, Vlad the Impaler’s Dayrunner, a Daily Video and who knows what else. Oh and speaking of who knows what else, I’ve got a new feature to add to the Daily Post called “The Commentator’s Corner.” Today’s Commentator Corner is courtesy of Joey Delgado and features an image from his Zombie-Woof Zoo, I’ll be posting this later this afternoon. If you’re someone who leaves comments (and thereby part of the writing team here) feel free to send me anything you’d like me to post. This includes weird pictures, writings, whatever, there are no rules here, only that you must be a commentator to submit. If you’re a silent reader, I still love you for coming by, but you’re not part of the writing team, so just enjoy your status as a viewer and know I appreciate it.

Welcome back, Motherfuckers! Let’s stick it in the Jesus Hole and rock till we drop!

Woo hoo!


P.S.  Once again, “Boris” is responsible for the genius Home Page welcome back artwork. “Boris” is available for freelance artwork, be it a CD cover, logo, website artwork or anything else. Just email me and I’ll pass it along. Thanks for all the help, “Boris!”