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Obligatory Michael Jackson Death Joke

Michael Jackson died Thursday when my show was on hiatus, but I still wrote an original Michael Jackson death joke. Here it is:

What did God say when Michael Jackson showed up at heaven?
“Hey, if you wanted to fuck young boys up the ass, you should’ve become a priest! But you didn’t, so I’m shipping your cracker ass to hell. Now just beat it!”




Well, it’s good to fire up The Marty Wombacher Show again! Woo hoo! I had some people send me emails asking if I was alright and that was nice! Basically here’s what happened, we had an emergency situation and I got called in to work in the morning. And then it turned out that I had to work the rest of the week on days and all of next week on days. When I first started this show six weeks ago, I had a lot of stuff and bits written in advance, but all that has been used up and I’m kind of doing the show live. Meaning that some of the stuff for the next day I write the night before and then I wake up that day and get everything else done as the day rolls along. It’s really kept me busy, but I was proud never to have missed a show. Well, Wednesday, I had to come in early, then I wanted to go to Bebe Buell’s record release party (there will be a Photoblog of that up on Monday) at the Hiro Ballroom that night, so I went, but then I had to go back to work, finish up and by the time I got home it was after one. So I did what anyone of sound mind would do. I started realizing how the next couple days are going to suck monkey lungs and I started drinking beer. I went to bed about three in the morning and four and a half hours later my alarm went off. To let you know how good my day was Thursday, the highlight of the day was waking up hungover and barely able to get out of bed. I came to work and there were problems, jobs, people and worst of all...sunshine! I hate sunshine. Anyway, since I hadn’t written anything I had to shut the show down for two days. What really sucks is I had built up a decent sized audience and I hope I didn’t lose a lot of viewers. So if you’re reading this, thanks for sticking with the show! I do appreciate it.

I’m going to try to write all of next week’s show this weekend, so hopefully this won’t happen again. This way if I have material, at least I can post it at night. Hopefully it won’t be too crazy and I can post during my breaks and lunch time every day.

And speaking of everyday, I’ve got a great Saturday show lined up. As always, The Daily Photo and fishwrap are on hiatus until Monday, but I’ve got Condensed Gossip coming up shortly and after that I’m posting an original Michael Jackson death joke, that I wrote exclusively for the show. I guarantee you haven’t heard this one yet, because I wrote it. And for proof, Biff can confirm, because I was talking to her Thursday and evening and told her the joke. So if by chance there is a similar joke out there it’s a coincidence, but I don’t think there is. I’ll also be putting up a Daily Poll, a piece I call, “Where Are They Now,” and finally in the early evening a Daily Video.

So, welcome back, I appreciate you coming back and being a loyal viewer of The Marty Wombacher Show. Oh, and speaking of viewers, I’m starting something new tonight, after the last post, which will be the Daily Video tonight, I’m going to start running credits and anyone who leaves a comment will get credited as a “Contributing Writer,” because I think the comments are sometimes better than the crap I put up here! And even if you just leave something like, “LOL!” you’re adding to the show, so every day I’ll list the days commentators as “Contributing Writers.” You can put that on your resume and be blacklisted everywhere just like me!

Okay, now on with the show!


Beer Frame

I'm too tired to even find art for this. I got called in out of the blue to work the dayshift and then went to go take photos at Bebe Buell's record release party and then had to go back to work. And I have to go back in and work the day/night shift tomorrow. And I have NOTHING written for the show. Tune in and see me truly live from New York tomorrow. It may suck, but it should be interesting.





The Hap Mansfield guest star page is up and running! Check it out here! Hap Mansfield Guest Star Page!


UPDATE: FUCK! Now the comments aren't working there again. I'm seriously late, so I'll check with their technical people later tonight. Sorry about this and I apologize to Hap, but at least her pieces are up and you can leave a comment for her here if you like.


Special Guest Star Page Technical Difficulties

Today has been one seriously fucked up day. First I got called in to work the dayshift and now I have to go to an appointment and then come back to finish up work here and then I have to work days tomorrow. So postings may be a little spotty tomorrow. And speaking of spotty, I'm having trouble loading images on to the Special Guest Star page and I don't have time to mess with it. There's one mindfield up with hopefully more up later tonight. I apologize to Hap and hope I can iron this out later tonight. So in other words, bear with me! Thanks!


I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz--The Answer and Winner!

Here’s the answers to the quiz from earlier today:

The show: Ironside.

The actor: Raymond Burr.

And the winner is, Jason Hwang! Congratulations, Jason! You'll need that ten bucks when your bosses see that you were playing this game instead of working! (Jason is a co-worker of mine and below you can see me tearfully handing the dough over. Jason said he was going to invest the winnings into crack. I don't know if he meant the drug or human crack and to tell you the truth I really didn't want to know!)

Jason and Marty (Photo by Frank Scott)

I remember watching this show as a kid and cracking up over Raymond Burr chasing crooks in his wheelchair. It was hilarious without trying to be. If you want to read more about this show I found this great website, just click here: Ironside website. http://amancalledironside.com/index.htm Alright see you next Wednesday for another exciting, fast-paced, kidney stoppping, “I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz!”


Special Guest Star of the Week!

I'm pleased to announce this week's special guest star is none other than Hap Mansfield! She's presenting a column of comedy kookiness we're calling, "Mindifields from Mansfield." And you can read all about Hap at the end of the post. Stop by and see Hap right here: Mindfields from Mansfield. You'll be glad you did! And special thanks to last week's guest star, Gary Pig Gold. His column moves down a notch, but if you missed it, it's still there. Thanks to both Gary and Hap for being such wonderful guest stars!

P.S. Sorry too that the post's have been a little spotty today. I got called in to work and I'm doing the show on my breaks and lunch hour.


I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz

Okay, this is a quiz using sign language. Below is a sign language chart and below that are the charts that provide the letters to today’s answer. And here’s the questions:

This was a TV series that ran on NBC from 1967 to 1975.

The series revolved around a man who was a “special consultant/detective” for the police. One of the things that made the show unique was that he sat in a special chair. Using the letters below, name the show and the actor who played the lead role.

Oh and this is going to be a weekly contest and the prize will always be something different. I decided to keep it simple and the first person who correctly answers wins ten bucks. Not a fortune, but better than a can opener up your left nostril. Good luck, everyone!

Sign Chart

The Show (the letter I is used twice and it’s a one word title.)

The Actor (the letter r is used twice in either his first or last name.)


Humpy Rumpy Day

I don’t even know what that headline means because I’m not awake yet. I’m debuting a new game called, “I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz,” and there will be a valuable prize awarded to whoever wins the contest. All I have to do now is figure out what this valuable prize will be!

And of course there’s daily updates soon at Daily Photo and Condensed Gossip and I’ll have three updates at fishwrap today. As always, when in doubt look at the bottom of the Home Page for the red links which will take you lickety split to the latest updates.

And as always during the week, in-house artist, “Boris,” has done the Home Page artwork and this one was a request from me and “Boris,” carried out the request and then some. I feel like the seventh Beatle! Thanks, “Boris!”

Okay, Daily Photo goes up momentarily and the contest will be the first Daily Post after I update everything else, keep checking back when you can. Sneeze ya soon!


Beer Frame

I’m really running behind on things this week, so there’s not much time in Beer Frame land. Tonight, I’m going to post an excerpt from my book, 99 Beers Off The Wall, because I’m still writing shit for this week’s show!

Enjoy the excerpt and I still have a few of these left, email me if you’d like information on how to buy one.

See you all around noon today!



Excerpt from “99 Beers Off The Wall:”

One isn’t the Onlyest Number

2:00 p.m. Amazing, there’s no hangover. The hangover fairy must’ve chosen to spare me and decided not to sprinkle my brain with headache powder and dry mouth dust. Then again, maybe I’m still drunk from last night.

NY1 weather (weather on the one’s) just reported that the temperature today will be a skin-blistering 97 degrees, with a heat index of 105. I have no idea what a heat index is, but I’ll throw caution to the wind and take their word for it. Here are some of the helpful hints they gave to be safe when you’re walking around in this kind of heat: 1. Wear light colored clothing—every stitch of clothing I own is black. 2. Don’t drink caffeine—I just drank two 16 ounce bottles of Diet Mountain Dew. 3. And the final hint for being safe in the heat is: don’t drink alcohol. I’m heading out the door to drink 13 beers in 13 bars today. Translation: I’m fucked as fucked can be.

2:30 p.m. It’s such a pot-boiling hot day today that as I pass a fruit stand on 5th Ave. I expect the peaches and plums to start exploding—pulp bursting through skin like raw eggs in a microwave oven. They don’t, but it’s only a matter of time Charlie, it’s only a matter of time. That wicked heat index is zooming in from the horizon and the humidity is making the air feel thicker than overcooked chocolate pudding.

I decide to surrender to the heat and take a cab to the first bar (the One and One) which is located at 1st Ave and 1st St. (I’m doing a special theme day on bars with the numeral one in the name. Since the Irish bar theme day went down in disaster, I thought I’d make it up with another theme day. I feel just like Merv Griffin, sans Arthur Treacher of course.) So I’m standing at the corner of 14th and 5th, index finger pointing up towards heaven and all its creatures, trying to hail a cab. I’m not having much luck finding one because everybody’s taking cabs today because of the heat. I’m standing on the corner with sweat pouring out of my frying skin for three minutes when some woman who looks like a cross between Dom Deluise and Carnie Wilson before she got her stomach stapled, walks up and puts her stubby little chubby finger in the air trying to hail a cab, right next to me. I couldn’t believe it, I mean that’s just not done. I’d been there for at least three minutes, I owned that corner. It’s the rules. So I turn to her and say, “What are you doing?” And she just gives me a look like I’m some sort of a nut job. Believe me, I know that look. So I say to her, “I’ve been here for three minutes this is my corner.” And again she shoots me the insane guy look. And now a cab pulls up and she starts to get in it, so I say, “That’s my cab.” She just shakes her head and climbs in with her massive girth jiggling like jelly in a dress all straining to get through the door. Unbelievable! I could feel the air conditioning streaming out of the cab. So she not only stole my cab, she snares one of the few cabs where the cabbie actually turns the A.C. on. “That was my cab,” I yell out as they lurch into traffic and speed away. And then, as if things aren’t bad enough, a car service/town car sees me yelling at the cab and pulls up. The tinted window rolls down and the Japanese driver is yelling, “Get in.”

“I’m going to the corner of 1st Ave. and 1st St.,” I tell him through the window. “How much?”

Without batting an eyelash this wicked son of a bitch spits out, “$20.00, get in.”

“What, 20 bucks, are you fucking nuts? I’m just going to the east side, not the airport,” I retort in a pained manner. My shirt is completely soaked with sweat by now, not that this Japanese scumbag on wheels cares. No this evil bastard doesn’t even pretend to care.

“Get in,” he says, his voice raising like he’s pissed.

“Fuck you, I’m not shelling out 20 bucks, it’s like a six dollar cab ride tops,” I say raising my voice and upping the ante.

“You want a ride, you pay,” He says raising my yell and taking it up to a scream.

“Get the fuck out of here,” I reply raising his scream to a full bore yell.

“Asshole,” he yells, calling his hand as he speeds away.

“You’re the asshole, you’re the asshole,” I scream about 10 times in a row even though he’s long gone. And now I get insane guy looks from every stinking person on the corner.

“He wanted to charge me 20 bucks,” I explain to the people staring at me on the corner. More insane guy looks are tossed my way as I realize the town car is long gone, so they must think I’m talking about some imaginary car service guy. My stomach sinks as I realize my reputation is completely shot on the corner of 14th and 5th for the moment, and quite likely for the entire day. One more corner in the big city where everybody and their cell phone jabbering brother thinks I’m a flipping nutjob. It just isn’t fair.

“I’m trying to do a service for this city by providing them with a new and refreshing guidebook and I’m looked at like I’m Charlie freaking Manson, wide eyed with a fresh swastika carved in my forehead. There’s no justice, no justice,” I mumble to myself as I start hoofing it to the One and One. The sweat pours out as the horrid corner of 14th and 5th shrinks in the distance over my shoulder. I make a mental note not to hail a cab from that corner anytime soon. They won’t have this journalist to kick around anymore. Goddammed rotten taxi thieves.