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Dayshift Monday

Fuck, I’m working the dayshift all motherfucking week! This sucks monkey lungs on toast. But I’m bound and determined to host the show every day this week. I’ll try to post things at my breaks and lunch hour, but if things get nuts I’ll post a notice that I’ll be posting the show later after work.

Be patient and watch the red links at the bottom of the Home Page for current updates. And if you like the show, don’t forget to bookmark it on your computer.

And thanks again to “Boris” for the remarkable Home Page art! And remember, “Boris” is available for freelance work if you need a CD cover, logo, website art or anything artyful. Just send me an email from the Home Page and I’ll forward it to “Boris.” Daily Photo is up soon, then Condensed Gossip and multiple updates at fishwrap and a new Squeal of Fortune contest. Stay tuned!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by: Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer:
Slim Volume

Resident artist
: “Boris”

Special Guest Star: Hap Mansfield

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):

Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Louisville Marty
Rockin’ Bob
Jason Hwang


Daily Video

One of my all time favorite albums is “Pet Sounds,” by the Beach Boys. This was their masterpiece and it inspired the Beatles to do Sgt. Pepper. What’s interesting is that Mike Love didn’t like the direction Brian Wilson was going and called it “ego music.” He said that Brian was fucking with their formula and that they should stick to surfing and car songs. And sadly, Mike Love was right, the album didn’t sell as well as their previous ones and everyone started pressuring Brian Wilson to back off the eperimental stuff and go back to the “formula.” The next album he was writing was the legendary “Smile” album and Brian Wilson had a breakdown while recording it and it never came out. It is available on bootlegs and maybe tomorrow I’ll post a song from that, there’s great tunes on it. Brian Wilson did re-record the Smile songs for a solo CD, but I always felt they should’ve remastered the original tapes with the Beach Boys singing on it.

Anyway, here’s the title track from “Pet Sounds.” It’s unique because it’s an instrumental and the Beach Boys are primarily known for their harmony singing. Originally it was titled, “Run James Run,” because Brian wanted it used in a James Bond movie. Apparently James was not a Beach Boys song, so it ended up on the album. Enjoy!


Jim Morrison, Sid Vicious and Elvis Presley--Rock’s Most Unlikely Trinity

If you think that death is all that Jim Morrison, Sid Vicious and Elvis Presley have in common, you’re dead wrong. Below are some facts that reveal a definite link in this unlikely trinity of rock ‘n’ rollers.


Jim Morrison could be quite vicious--Sid Vicious’ real name was John--Elvis Presley died in the john.


Jim Morrison had a lot of sex appeal--Sid Vicious was a member of the Sex Pistols--Elvis Presley liked to fire pistols at TV sets.


Jim Morrison and the Doors lineup was unique in the fact that it didn’t have a bass player--Sid Vicious took the place of original Sex Pistols bassist Glen Matlock--If Elvis would’ve lived he would’ve been a fine guest on the TV show Matlock.


Jim Morrison died in France--The Sex Pistols toured France before Sid Vicious joined--Elvis saw London, he saw France and he even watched women wrestle in their white cotton underpants.


Oliver Stone immortalized Jim Morrison in the movie “The Doors”--Sid Vicious was featured along with Johnny Rotten and the other Sex Pistols in the movie “Who Killed Bambi”--After he got out of the army, rotten movies pretty much killed Elvis’ career in the early 60’s.


In 1967 Jim Morrison and the Doors recorded a song entitled, “Five to One”--In the Sex Pistols Sid Vicious was one in a group of four--Four out of five dentists would have been mortified at Elvis’ steady diet of jelly donuts and fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches.


Jim Morrison’s fondness for drugs was slightly diminished when he turned to alcohol--Sid Vicious turned to alcohol when he couldn’t get any heroin on tour in the U.S.--Dr. Nick got turned in to the authorities for “overmedicating” Elvis.


When The Doors performed the song “The End” Jim Morrison would scream out, “Mother...I want to fuck you!”--Sid Vicious was fond of telling anyone, including his mother, to “fuck off!”--Elvis loved his mama good.


Jim Morrison was a hero of the 60’s--Sid Vicious was a product of the 70’s--The merchandising of dead Elvis Presley products and of his estate continues to be bigger than one of his latter-day jump suits to this day.



So that's what the white face was all about!


Lazy-Ass Sunday Show

Welcome to the Lazy-Ass Sunday Show. There won’t be a ton of post’s, but there will be a few high quality ones today. Soon I’ll be putting up the Sunday Religious Gossip and then in about an hour I’m putting up a piece I wrote a while ago called, “Jim Morrison, Sid Vicious and Elvis Presley--Rock’s Most Unlikely Trinity.” And we’ll close with a music video in the early evening.

Speaking of early, I’m still working the day shift, but there will be a show every day, even if I have to post it after work. Oh and there’s going to be a new Photoblog Monday from the Bebe Buell record release party. So keep on checking back today and everyday here on The Marty Wombacher Show!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by: Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Special Guest Star: Hap Mansfield

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Joey D
tom murray
Louisville Marty
Rockin’ Bob


Daily Video

Okay, here’s another one from my friend Louisville Marty’s CRAPtastic collection.

I had forgotten all about Mrs. Miller who was a weird ‘60s singer/celebrity. I found a Wikipedia entry on her and you can read about her here: Mrs. Miller I like the line where it says her voice was like, “roaches scurrying across a trash can lid.” Ha ha ha!

Thanks and a hat tip to Louisville Marty for finding this and sending it to me. It’s truly, CRAPtastic!

Louisville Marty


Where Are They Now?

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy was the President of the United States in the early ’60s. In addition to being President, John F. Kennedy liked to have world-leader type sex with women other than his wife Jackie. He particularly enjoyed giving the Presidential squeal to movie star Marilyn Monroe and some mobster’s girlfriend whose name I can’t remember, but the mobster’s name was something like Sam Giancona, but don’t quote me on that, I’m not sure about the spelling. On his last Presidential outing John F. Kennedy’s brains were blown to bits by a shooter (Shooters? Only Oliver Stone knows for sure) in Dallas while he and Jackie were riding in a Presidential motorcade.

So where is John F. Kennedy now?

John F. Kennedy is currently dead.


Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain liked plaid flannel shirts and wore them often, sometimes over Goodwill style t-shirts. In addition to being a plaid flannel shirt wearer, Cobain was guitarist, singer and songwriter in the successful rock and roll band Nirvana. The plucky Cobain also enjoyed shooting up heroin into his body sometimes on more than a twice daily basis. One day in a brief moment of clarity Cobain realized he had accidentally married and fathered a child with musician/actress/woman-whom-the-world-would-have-been-a-lot-better-off-if-her-hippie-parents-would-have-aborted-her, Courtney Love. Realizing this mistake he promptly shot up a boatload of heroin and took a shotgun and blew his head off.

So where is Kurt Cobain now?
Kurt Cobain is curretnly dead.

The First Guitarist in the Red Hot Chili Peppers Whose First Name Was Havlel Or Something Like That, But I’m Not That Sure
According to the Behind The Music show on the Red Hot Chili Peppers, this guy overdosed on heroin right before the Red Hot Chili Peppers became superstars and subsequently turned into even bigger assholes than they were before they made it big.

So where is the first guitarist in the Red Hot Chili Peppers whose first name was Havlel or something like that, but I’m not that sure, now?
The first guitarist in the Red Hot Chili Peppers whose first name was Havlel or something like that, but I’m not that sure is currently dead.

Those Nurses That Richard Speck Killed
This was one of the first bigtime murders that I can remember. Basically this drifter/nutty guy Richard Speck was all hopped up on booze and speed and wandered into--now this part I’m not that sure of--it was either a house where some nurses lived, or a hospital. Either way Speck killed some of them, I can’t remember how many, but I think it was more than four.

So where are those nurses that Richard Speck killed now?
Those nurses that Richard Speck killed are currently dead now.

That Baby That The Teen Couple Threw Into The Dumpster
Maybe you didn’t hear about this if you don’t live in the Tri-State area, but it was a big story for a couple of days in the New York Post about twelve years ago. It might even be longer, time is just flying by! But anyway, the deal is that a teen couple took their baby and threw it in a dumpster. Now I can’t remember if the infant was dead when they tossed him (her? I can’t remember if it was a boy or girl) into the dumpster, but the baby ended up dead. I’m not sure what happened to the teen couple, I think they had to go to some sort of teen prison for baby dumpers, but I’m not totally sure about that, so don’t quote me.

So where is that baby that the teen couple threw into the dumpster now?
The baby that the teen couple threw into the dumpster is currently dead.

Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was a talented singer who fronted the band the Jackson Five at a young age. I’m not sure of his exact age, but he was a little kid, I think he was around 11 or12. He was a talented vocalist and dancer and the Jackson Five racked up a lot of hits in the ‘70’s. Later on he started doing solo albums and he pretty much peaked with his album “Thriller.” That was a great album and he wrote most of it. Quincy Jones produced it. Shortly after that, he appeared on a Motown TV special, moonwalked and became an international superstar.

Sadly after that his music started sucking wind and he turned into a scary white guy that bought the Elephant Man’s bones, played with a chimp and fucked little boys.

So where is Michael Jackson now?
Michael Jackson is dead right now. Turn on your TV, I’m sure someone’s yakking about it. Personally I think I’ll watch some porn and just beat it.


Special Guest Star, Hap Mansfield

I feel really bad for this week's Special Guest Star, Hapmasfield. She came up with some genius material and the comments button doesn't work on her post and I took two days off and lost some viewers, that I hope will come back. Anyway, don't forget to visit Hap's post right here: Hap Mansfield, Special Guest Star. Hap will be at the top of the page until Wednesday, you can leave here a comment here if you wish. Thanks Hap!