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Beer Frame

Master Boozer Series
Tonight focusing on Keith Moon

Keith Moon was one of the best drummers in rock and roll history. He was also a Master Boozer of the highest level.

His nickname was “Moon the Loon,” and there’s tons of Keith Moon stories floating out there, but my favorite one is when he drove a Cadillac into a Holiday Inn Swimming Pool during his 21st birthday party with the Who and Hermin’s Hermits. Here it is recounted in Wikipedia:

In 1967, Moon set in motion events which later become one of rock's most famous legends. According to the book Local DJ, a Rock & Roll History, Moon, drunk at his 21st birthday party in Flint, Michigan, allegedly drove a Cadillac (according to Moon's own account, it was a Lincoln Continental) into the Holiday Inn pool, and blew the toilet in his room to pieces, leaping out of the bathroom at the last possible moment to avoid porcelain toilet shards. While Moon had established a notorious history of blowing up toilets at other Holiday Inns, the car incident led to them being banned from Flint and The Holiday Inn for life. The Who had just opened for Herman's Hermits. Author "Peter C" Cavanaugh, who was there and witnessed the event firsthand, recalled the events for a documentary on the 60's rock scene. According to the book, The Who In Their Own Words, Moon said the incident was at the Holiday Inn in Flint, Michigan. He said this was how he broke his front tooth.

Ironically, Keith Moon overdosed on a drug called, Heminevrin, which is a drug that’s prescribed to alleviate alcohol withdrawl problems, because he was trying to quit drinking.

Pete Townshend lost a lot of hearing due to another famous stunt pulled by Moon the Loon. The Who were appearing on the Smother’s Brothers show and Keith arranged with the stagehands to put cherry bombs in his drum set to go off at the end of My Generation. They packed in the cherry bombs, but then unbeknownst to anyone else, Moon packed in more explosives and basically set off a bomb right near where Pete Townshend was playing guitar. Here’s a clip from that show, Notice Townshend at the end!

So tonight, cheers to the Master Boozer, Keith Moon the Loon!

I’ll see you all later, around noon.




Daily Video

David Letterman

This is a rather long Daily Video, but worth watching to see the evolution of David Letterman. He’s a guy who really takes his career seriously. I think he’s the closest thing to Johnny Carson there will ever be. Both of them seemed to be obsessed with their careers, were extremely successful, but at least to me, had a large degree of self-loathing. I particularly like the first interview with Tom Snyder, where Dave says he’s not sure where he’s headed. Little did he know he was headed right for that time slot! He also got to see Drew Barrymore’s tits and I’ll be forever jealous over that!



A Tale of Two Charlies

Charlie Brown and Charlie Manson have a lot in common besides having the same first name. Both of them...uh...they both...um...okay, they have nothing in common at all.

Charlie Brown is a depressed little fuck of a comic strip character and Charlie Manson was crazed, LSD eating cult leader who wasn’t afraid to stick his dick in young, psychotic girls who had run away from home and were looking for a father figure in their disturbed and lonely lives. So there really isn’t anything similar about the two at all. But that’s not going to stop me from having a fun quiz about the two Charlie’s, so there!

Below are quotes from Charlie Brown and Charlie Manson. See if you can correctly identify which Charlie said what. The answers are at the bottom. No cheating!


1. In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.

2. There must be millions of people all over the world who never get any love letters . . . I could be their leader.

3. We're not in Wonderland anymore Alice.

4. I have X'd myself from your world.

5. No sense makes sense.

6. It always looks darkest just before it gets totally black.

7. That's the secret to life...replace one worry with another.

8. A long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.

9. Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.

10. Everything is beautiful if you want to experience it totally.



1. Charlie Brown
2. Charlie Brown
3. Charlie Manson
4. Charlie Manson
5. Charlie Manson
6. Charlie Brown
7. Charlie Brown
8. Charlie Manson
9. Charlie Brown
10. Charlie Manson



I crossbred a pizza, Ray Charles and myself and got, Do-Re-Mi.


Squeal of Fortune! We Have A Winner!

We Have a winner! (Applause!)

tiefighter25 correctlly identified the first line from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson from yesterday’s Squeal of Fortune. He’s the winner, but I appreciate the comments from Michelle, Biff and Professor Dungpie as well!

Here’s the line:
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the dessert when the drugs began to take hold.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a classic and it was originally published as a two part installment in Rolling Stone. Here’s the Rolling Stone covers:

Congratulations to tiefighter25 and thank you all for playing. I’m going to go paint happy faces on Vanna White’s tits now, see you next time on...SQUEAL OF FORTUNE!


Daily poll


It's that time of day...

...to start the show. My friend and Photoshop Wizard "Boris" is responsible for the Home Page art today, so let's give him a big hand! It's got two of my favorite things in it, a cheeseburger and my name! You'll be seeing more of "Boris'" work here in the future and more of me soon. The Daily Poll will be up soon, Daily Photo, Condensed Gossip, fishwrap, but first...Diet Mountain Dew. Happy Tuesday everyone!

Artwork by "Boris."


Beer Frame

I can’t fucking believe it’s June 2nd already! Time is flying by faster than a crow high on crystal meth. It seems like it was just the new year. In about a month, I’ll have lived in New York City for 16 years. I moved here on July 7th, 1993 and I was scared out of my fucking wits when I moved here. I didn’t have a job, knew about three people and wondered what the fuck was going to happen. I’ll never forget my first week here. It was hotter than shit and I remember signing my lease to my tiny apartment and then opening up the door to find cockroaches everywhere. I hate bugs and it really freaked me out. I went to the hardware store and got a bug bomb and set the thing off and stayed in a cheap hotel in midtown for the night. The next day I went back swept up the dead cockroaches and went out and got a cheap-ass futon and a used desk for my computer. I had brought my little portable TV from Peoria and a boombox with some of the CD’s I didn’t sell before I moved. That’s all I had for awhile, because I had no incoming money. I had cashed in my pension plan from a job I had worked for 13 years, because I never expected to live long enough to use it. So I had a little bit of a cushion, but I was living pretty tightly for awhile. Even when I started getting some freelance writing work. One thing that I realized living a spartan life, was that it really freed you up. I had no car to worry about, didn’t have a stereo, hardly any clothes and I realized how possesions can come to rule you. You become a slave to the crap you own. Well, I didn’t own much, but I felt free as a fucking bird. Kind of like that crow that’s high on crystal meth. Well, writing about time just made me realize it’s time for a beer!

See you later today, the postings will start at the crack of noon.




Daily Video

Albert Brooks & Johnny Carson

I first saw Albert Brooks doing stand up on the Dean Martin Show in the late ‘60’s. He was a hilarious stand up comic and kind of invented the “anti comedy” stylings that Andy Kaufman, David Letterman and Steve Martin went on to practice. He stopped doing stand up once he started doing movies, but he would still do inventive bits when he would appear on the Tonight Show and he’d always crack Johnny up. This is one of my favorite bits. I love Albert Brooks in movies and think he’s a genius, but part of me wishes he still did stand up. Heeeeere’s Johnny and Albert!


Dog Day Afternoon

A photostudy of Manhattan dogs walking their humans.
Today’s dogs and human: Prancer and Wagner and their human, Colin.

It’s a double-dog day here at the Marty Wombacher Show! The little weiner dogs, Prancer and Wagner were taking their human, Colin out for a stroll on Fifth Avenue and they happily posed for this edition of Dog Day Afternoon. Good doggies, Prancer and Wagner!