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Beer Frame

I can’t fucking believe it’s June 2nd already! Time is flying by faster than a crow high on crystal meth. It seems like it was just the new year. In about a month, I’ll have lived in New York City for 16 years. I moved here on July 7th, 1993 and I was scared out of my fucking wits when I moved here. I didn’t have a job, knew about three people and wondered what the fuck was going to happen. I’ll never forget my first week here. It was hotter than shit and I remember signing my lease to my tiny apartment and then opening up the door to find cockroaches everywhere. I hate bugs and it really freaked me out. I went to the hardware store and got a bug bomb and set the thing off and stayed in a cheap hotel in midtown for the night. The next day I went back swept up the dead cockroaches and went out and got a cheap-ass futon and a used desk for my computer. I had brought my little portable TV from Peoria and a boombox with some of the CD’s I didn’t sell before I moved. That’s all I had for awhile, because I had no incoming money. I had cashed in my pension plan from a job I had worked for 13 years, because I never expected to live long enough to use it. So I had a little bit of a cushion, but I was living pretty tightly for awhile. Even when I started getting some freelance writing work. One thing that I realized living a spartan life, was that it really freed you up. I had no car to worry about, didn’t have a stereo, hardly any clothes and I realized how possesions can come to rule you. You become a slave to the crap you own. Well, I didn’t own much, but I felt free as a fucking bird. Kind of like that crow that’s high on crystal meth. Well, writing about time just made me realize it’s time for a beer!

See you later today, the postings will start at the crack of noon.



Reader Comments (4)

One of the things i liked about you from mypace was that you had the guts to chase your dream! Now you have your own show and it's funnier than any episode of Jay Leno! If i would have stayed single i may have pursued my dream of bartending at the Chat and Chew, then i could nail that cute waitress.....what's her name! Hey Marty......the older i get the less i need! More stuff is more problems! All a fellow needs is a bed, beer, a place to keep it cold and a few laughs! On with the show Motherfucker!

if I worked at the chat 'n chew, I'D nail a plate of their macaroni and cheese every night! wait...that didn't sound right...

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

Civilization is unbearable, but it is less unbearable at the top.
- Timothy Leary


June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarty (Louisville)

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