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1,000th Comment

Last week in the Commentators Beer Frame I wrote that The Marty Wombacher Show was close to getting its 1000th comment and said we’d have a contest wherein the person who makes the 1,000th comment would win both of my books and both copies of Natalie Word. Then I forgot about it. I just realized last night and now we are well over 1,000 comments so I had to count backwards and here’s the winner (drumroll)...Joey D! Joey D left this comment on June 5th and it is the 1,000th, comment:”  

Every time you jerk off, Chuck Norris kills a Mexican baby.

Joey D

Ha ha ha! Good one, Joey D! And since I work with this guy, I don’t have to pay any postage to give him his prize, so we all win! I’ll bring the stuff in today, Joey, if you outlive me, maybe some of this shit will be worth something after I die and you can sell it on eBay! Thanks for commenting everybody, I really appreciate it. I’d comment back, but then I wouldn’t have time to do the show, but I read and enjoy each and every one of them!


After Hours


Hello There Ladies and Gentlemen...

Happy Hump Day!

Hello everybody and welcome to Wednesday! Happy hump day! And I hope you all had a happy hump night as well. I had a solo organ recital if you know what I mean, so I’m all charged up and ready to start the show. See you at the Daily Picture and other places soon.

Oh, and I there’s a place you can now go to see the latest updates. Some people have told me they hadn’t noticed this yet, so I thought I’d post it here, as others have told me they like this feature. On the Home Page of the show are red hot links, that will take you to the latest updates. Here’s a screen shot of it.

So if you’re in a hurry and don’t feel like roaming around the show, you can click away to see the latest content. And speaking of content, I have to go in to work early today and I may be working the day shift Thursday and Friday, so I may not be able to do my on the street stuff this week. But I will be back with “Got Any Gum” and “Dog Day Afternoon,” next week, same Marty Time, same Marty Station. Okay time to go get the Daily Picture and get this show on the road!

Oh and today’s Home Page Art is once again masterfully done by “Boris!” Thanks, “Boris,” great work as always. I encourage everyone to stop by the Home Page Art Page and give “Boris” a slap on the back. They tell me he likes the rough stuff! Thanks Daddio!


Beer Frame

Master Boozer Series
Tonight focusing on George Thorogood And Ronnie Wood

I bought my first George Thorogood album back in the late ‘70s. I think it was called, “Move It On Over.”

Now in the late ‘70s I was a real mess. I was doing tons of drugs, drinking vats of booze and just running wild. I remember listening to this album and it was all about drinking and getting high and cocaine and I loved it. It was great bluesy, boozy rock and roll! They were all covers, including the classics, “One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer,” and “Cocaine Blues.” I remember thinking how I’d love to party with this guy. I turned all my friends on to him and we’d be blaring his tunes in our car’s cassette players (yes, I’m that old!) as we drove around town drinking and getting high.

Then about a month later I was reading a copy of Rolling Stone magazine. They had an article about George Thorogood and I started reading it and it stated in the article that he didn’t drink. And that he never did. I remember bolting up and saying, “What?” I read on and he didn’t do drugs or even smoke pot. I felt like I had been lied to by some asshole!

I mean, I don’t give a fuck if you don’t drink, that’s cool, more for me, but don’t be running around singing, “One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer!” And he’s not like some guy who drank and went way over the limit and decided to quit, but still had some great booze tales to spin, he never drank in his life. Never.

Hey, George, when you drink alone, what in the fuck are you drinking? Perrier water? Sheesh, what an asshole! The only coke this jerk-off has done comes in a can.

So tonight I’m going to salute a real Master Boozer guitar player, Ronnie Wood!

Ron Wood played guitar and sang for the Faces, the booziest band in rock ‘n’ roll history! He then went on to the Stones and in the last couple years went through rehab several times for booze at the band’s insistence. This itself gives Mr. Wood Master Boozer credentials. As a comedian said, “When Keith Richards comes up to you and says you have a problem, you know you’re in trouble!” Ha ha ha!

So tonight I raise my Budweiser to Ronnie Wood, Master Boozer!

I have to go in to work early tomorrow, so tune in early. I’m hoping to start the show around 10:00 or 10:30 am. I won’t be in a good mood, but I’ll be here.




Daily Video

Veruca Salt Seether

I mentioned the band Veruca Salt earlier, so I thought I’d feature them in the clip of the day. Veruca Salt were formed in Chicago in 1993 and the original band consisted of Louise Post on guitar and vocals, Nina Gordon on guitar and vocals, Jim Shapiro on drums and Steve Lack on bass. Through the years they’ve had more band members come and go and I don’t even know if any of the originals are in the band. The name comes from the spoiled girl in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Band names  they considered using before going with Veruca Salt include: Chip Beef, Imploding Saran Wrap, The Devil Dogs and The Professor Dungpie Experience. In the end they chose Veruca Salt and here they are with, Seether.



I crossbred Japanese soup and the devil and got Two Live Crew.


Squeal of Fortune! We Have a Winner!

We have a winner from yesterday’s Squeal of Fortune, it’s mrs5000, who correctly guessed the movie title of Help, starring The Beatles. Thanks also to Biff, tiefighter25 and Professor Dungpie for chiming in, you were so close...yet so far away, just like a Carole King song!

Help had a working title of Eight Arms To Hold You, referring to The Beatles combined appendages. However, when John Lennon wrote the song, Help, it was decided that that would be the name of the movie. Help was the Beatles second movie and while not as critically acclaimed as the first, A Hard Day’s Night, it’s still a lot of fun. Although it sounds like it was even more fun to make, here’s a quote from Ringo Starr about the making of Help:

“A hell of a lot of pot was being smoked while we were making the film. It was great. That helped make it a lot of fun...In one of the scenes, Victor Spinetti and Roy Kinnear are playing curling, sliding along those big stones. One of the stones has a bomb in it and we find out that it's going to blow up, and have to run away. Well, Paul and I ran about seven miles, we ran and ran, just so we could stop and have a joint before we came back. We could have run all the way to Switzerland. If you look at pictures of us you can see a lot of red-eyed shots; they were red from the dope we were smoking. And these were those clean-cut boys! Dick Lester knew that very little would get done after lunch. In the afternoon we very seldom got past the first line of the script. We had such hysterics that no one could do anything. Dick Lester would say, ‘No, boys, could we do it again?’ It was just that we had a lot of fun — a lot of fun in those days.”
—Ringo Starr

The band Veruca Salt released an album called “Eight Arms To Hold You,” in 1997 and the title was a tribute to the original title of what eventually became, Help.

So there you go. Congratulations on being today’s winner mrs5000! And we’ll see you all next week on...SQUEAL OF FORTUNE!


A New Photoblog is up...



Happy Tuesday to you all. The show’s going to start momentarily. And there’s a good one lined up today! We have a Squeal of Fortune winner and that will be announced shortly, I’ll be posting a new photoblog about meeting Dee Dee Ramone’s ex-wife who has a new book out and updates at Daily Picture, fishwrap and Condensed Gossip, so check the links on the Home Page often. Now it’s time to Dew my best to wake the fuck up!


Beer Frame

I’ve got some stuff to do tonight for tomorrow’s show, so I don’t really have time for the beer frame tonight, so I thought I’d carry on my Master Boozer series with a Wkipedia section about Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham’s boozy death:

On 25 September 1980, John Bonham was picked up by Led Zeppelin assistant Rex King to attend rehearsals at Bray Studios for the upcoming tour of the United States, the band's first since 1977. During the journey Bonham had asked to stop for breakfast, where he downed four quadruple vodkas (roughly sixteen shots, amounting to about 1/2 of an imperial quart or 473 ml). He then continued to drink heavily when he arrived at the rehearsals. A halt was called to the rehearsals late in the evening and the band retired to Page's house, The Old Mill House in Clewer, Windsor. After midnight, Bonham had fallen asleep and was taken to bed and placed on his side. Benji LeFevre (who had replaced Richard Cole as Led Zeppelin's tour manager) and John Paul Jones found him dead the next afternoon.[9] Bonham was 32 years old.

Weeks later at the coroner's inquest, it emerged that in the 24 hours before he died, John Bonham had drank forty measures of vodka which resulted in pulmonary edema: waterlogging of the lungs caused by inhalation of vomit. A verdict of accidental death was returned at an inquest held on October 27. An autopsy had found no other drugs in Bonham's body.

40 shots of vodka! Now that’s a Master fucking Boozer! John Bonham, Master Boozer, R.I.P., D.R.U.N.K!

Okay, I’ll try to have this show on the road at noon today, see you then!



P.S. Speaking of Master Boozer, where’s Professor Dungpie? Longest he’s gone without commenting since the show went live. Oh, Professor?