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Totally Tuesday

It’s Tuesday. One down, four to go till the weekend.
All we can do is to keep fucking that chicken! And yes, I’m going beat that phrase to death!

It’s back to the regular format today on TMWS. Today’s story is about the last time I got arrested two years ago and spent the night in the Boone County Jail. It turned out to be an epic tale and it’s over 5,000 words, so I’m going post it in four installments this week. The first installment is today.

Another day, another great piece of Home Page Art by TMWS resident artist, “Boris.” All I can say is, “Thank ya, thank ya very much! As well as being the resident artist here, “Boris” does freelance as well, so if you need some custom art for your website, he’s your go to guy. “Boris” also does custom logos, CD and book cover designs, retouching and everything under the blooming sun! Just send me an email using the form on the email and I’ll forward it along to “Boris.”

Okay, up and at ‘em! The Marty Wombacher Show starts...now! Daily Photo is next and then the start of my epic jail story. Stay tuned or check the red links at the bottom of the Home Page.

Happy, snappy Tuesday all!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw
jaws the cabbie
Little Robot Cat

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Keep Fucking That Chicken!

And now to close out the day, I give you many videos, all with the same sentiment: KEEP FUCKING THAT CHICKEN!


Urban Chicken Fuckers

Are you someone who wants to keep fucking that chicken, but needs to have it defined for you? No problem, the good folk’s at Urban Dictionary have you covered!



Bomb's Away!

While Ernie Anastos came up with the memorable, “Keep fucking that chicken” line, he isn’t the first New York newscaster to drop the F-bomb. Here’s Arthur Chi'en and Sue Simmons uttering the dread F-word in the past. Bomb’s away!


Artwork by Jaws

Jaws the Cabbie just sent me this one, looks like he's gonna keep fucking that chicken!


Chicken Fuckers in the News


Surfin' Bird

Almost immedieately after Ernie Anasos uttered the now legendary phrase, “Keep fucking that chicken,” the internet lit up with the phrase. Here’s some sites I found that were talking about it.

Gawker and Kreepie Kats

The Huffington Post

Village Voice

Gotcha Media


Planet Waves


NY Post

NY Times

Rump roast


Artwork by "Boris!"

“Boris” worked up a special piece of art for this “Keep fucking that chicken” and as always, it’s a classic! Thanks Daddio and don’t forget to keep fucking that chicken!


While we're on the subject...

...of chicken fuckers: