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Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
your cousin, Mary
Professor Dungpie!
I jerked off in your soup.
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Saturday Video

Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash

I found this clip of Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan roaming around YouTube the other night. I’ve never seen the video or heard the song. From the looks and sound of Dylan it looks like it was made shortly after his “Nashville Skyline” album. Happy Saturday Night!


Website of the Week

Once a week I thought I’d feature a website that’s just doing something for the sheer fuck and love of it. So please don’t send me links to your band’s website or your blog for this. But if you know of someone doing something fun and/or wacky, please email me the link and it might just end up the Website of the Week! (Like that’s a big fucking deal!)

This Weeks Website:

Celebrities Upside Down Pictures

This is a website which was Photoshop contest that “Boris” should’ve entered! People sent in files of celebrities with their heads upside down. After looking at it for a couple minutes I genuinely felt like I was doing acid and that alone is worth the trip. Check it out!

Celebrities Upside Down


New Product From Jaws the Cabbie!

TMWS commentator and contributor, Jaws the Cabbie has new product out and you can check it out here: Jaws Book of Tunes. it looks great, good job Jaws!


Saturday Poll



It’s Saturday, so no Daily Photo or Daily Story. But I do have a Saturday Poll coming up, a new edition of Crossbreeding, an announcement about some new product from Jaws the Cabbie, the Website of the Week and early in the evening a Saturday video.

So relax, it’s Saturday, woo hoo, Motherfuckers!


And Now A Word From Our (Fake) Sponsor


Hi Asshole!

Hi asshole!


Where’s My Line?

This is a quiz where I’m going to post a line from either a movie, a song or a TV show and you need to name where it came from.

Here’s this week’s line:

“It’s got a good browning element!”

The hint: This line is from a movie that came out in1985. One of the stars of the movie is an R.V. The actor who says the line starred in the film and he directed it and co-wrote it. Name the film and the actor!

Biff is the winner (and the only one who played!) Hooray for Bifferoonie! The answer is: Lost in America and the actor/writer/director is none other than Albert Brooks. You can read all about the movie here at Albert's website: Lost In America.

Congratulation to Biff and we'll see you next week on, WHERE'S MY LINE!



Thank  Fuck It’s Friday!
The bad news is I have to go in to work early, so this is going to be brief. The good news is, if it’s not busy I can leave early.

I’ve got the final installment of my Boone County Jail story coming up along with the answer to yesterday’s Where’s My Line quiz. And of course the Daily Photo and a fake ad at the end of the day.

Yahoo for “Boris’s”Home Page Art today! Yet another classic, thanks, Daddio! And remember, “Boris is available for freelance artwork. If you need art for your website, a custom logo, retouching or anything else, just send me an email and I’ll forward it to “Boris.”

Alright I gotta get ready for work, you know what to do!