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The Genius of Curly

I used to write for a magazine called, Gadfly. It was a great magazine, but like so many great magazines, it went belly up after a couple years. One of my favorite articles I wrote for them was called, “The Genius of Curly.” Luckily a lot of Gadfly is still available online and even luckier, this entire article is. You can read it by clicking on this link: The Genius of Curly.


Daily Poll


Beer Frame

It’s about two in the morning, I just opened a 24 ounce can of Budweiser and I’m pleased to announce that today is “Three Stooges Thursday,” here at The Marty Wombacher Show!

I did last week’s “Kojak Thursday,” as a goof, but thought it was fun and people seemed to enjoy it, so I thought every Thursday from here on in will have a theme to it.

I’m sure you’ve already been blown away by today's home page art and you’ve probably guessed it’s done by none other than my friend and Photoshop artist/wizard, “Boris.” The reason I say you probably guessed is that my shit is never as good as that! “Boris’” last two creations can be found here and here. And there’s another piece of “Boris” art that will be revealed later on in the day. Thanks, “Boris,” we’re all loving the artwork!

And speaking of “Boris,” maybe you remember last week when I posted some images he had created of my book floating around history like Forrest Gump, if not then click here to take a gander. Well, I had to include this one here. Thanks again, “Boris,” great work!

And now time for more Budweiser. See ya later around noon with a Three Stooges poll. Soitenly!




The Daily Video

Bill Murray and David Letterman

Bill Murray always cracks me up on the David Letterman Show. I love in this clip how unapologetic he is about getting busted driving a golf cart while drunk in Sweden. Here he is telling the tale, enjoy! (And yeah, I know it’s two Letterman clips in a row, I promise something different tomorrow!)


What if...

What if the hooker who tried to bite off the tongue of ShamWow! Vince, succeeded in biting off the tongue of Dilbert? I think the results would be heeeelarious and would go a little something like this:


Have You Got Any Gum?

Today was a trying day for the “Got Any Gum,” episode. There was a couple on the stoop in the building next to me, who were sitting on the steps eating their lunch, so I asked them to play and they said they didn’t like the internet. Yeah, right, they’re probably the authors of this blog and they don’t want any competition. I next approached a man sitting on a bench in Union Square Park, but he didn’t speak any English. Thanks Latka! Finally I found a nice person! Benjamin Palmer was relaxing, smoking a cigarette and he happily agreed to play. Benjamin is the CEO of the barbarian group and you can check out their website here: the barbarian group. And now it’s time to play...Have you got any gum!

Benjamin...have you got any gum?

And sadly, he had no gum! He probably can’t afford gum, since cigarettes are about $3,879 a pack now in New York. Thanks for playing, Benjamin!

We’ll see you all next week, for another exciting edition of, Have You Got Any Gum?


Commercial Break

Punk Rock Collection:


15 Slim Things


Daily Poll


I've Sold Out!

I got accepted into the Anazon ads affilate program and I now have ads that I will put up every now and again. If you see something you like I would appreciate you buyiing it here. I get a little commision and it helps keeping this show on the air. And you are charged nothing extra. Okay, now it's time for me to drink my beer! Here's the slut page: Slut Page!