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Art Clokey Interview

Here’s a good interview with Gumby creator, Art Clokey at NPR: Art Clokey interview.


I should've posted this earlier, but what the fuck.

The Gumby Intro!


Marty = Gumby by "Boris"


Surfing With Gumby


Gumby Thursday!

It’s Gumby Thursday, dammit! And I’ve got a lot of fun Gumby shit coming your way all day. There’s going to be Surfing with Gumby, a Gumby photo album, a cool interview I found with Gumby creator Art Clokey, a Gumby jukebox and lots of other fun and surprises.

Once again “Boris” did a fabulous job of working up some custom made Gumby art for the Home Page, great work, Daddio! And once again let me remind you that “Boris” is available for freelance artwork for CD covers, logos, retouching and website art. Just email me and I’ll pass it along to our resident artist!

The Daily Photo will be up momentarily, then Condensed Gossip and then a ton of Gumby goodness! Stay tuned!

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Closing Credits

Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Joey D
Zioum Zioum the Chainsaw
David Slockbower
Beau Brooks

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Fuck, I almost Forgot!

I almost fucking forgot to get Joey D his prize for winning this week’s I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz. The prize I promised was a tasty snack item from the snack machine where I work. Here’s the machine.

In honor of my new website, Do These Jeans Make My Butt Look Fat, I chose the glazed honey buns.

They’re safely tucked away in Joey D’s drawer here at work. Hopefully the mice won’t eat them first!

Enjoy and congratulations, Joey D!


Daily Video

Since Charles Manson was the answer to today's quiz, I thought I'd put up a Charlie Manson video today. Take it away, Charlie!


And Now A Word From Our (Fake) Sponsor


Sign Quiz Winner!

Once again the winner for the I Didn't Sign Up For This Quiz is quiz master, Joey D! I'll take a photo of his prize in a little bit and put it on his desk here at work.

The correct answer that Joey got was Charles Manson. Here’s an article about the song and what happened between Charles Manson and the Beach Boys I found on Spinner.com.


A long list could be compiled of great songwriters who have never had a hit song on the Billboard charts. But on the vastly longer list of people who have written a tune that has appeared on a hit record, among the names is that of convicted mass murderer and cult leader Charles Manson.

The tale commences with the Beach Boys' Dennis Wilson, who first encountered Manson and his dreams of rock stardom in Southern California sometime in 1968. The Beach Boys drummer was blown away by the demos written and recorded by the recently freed ex-convict -- suffice to say Wilson was equally impressed by the free-love attitudes of the female members of the Manson Family cult. The charismatic leader and his followers went as far as relocating lock, stock and barrel to Wilson's house, and the Beach Boy proceeded to shop Manson's songs to various record labels, even introducing him to hip young producer and Columbia Records A&R man Terry Melcher, son of the famous singer-actress Doris Day. In fact,

in his role as Manson's benefactor, Wilson even had the Beach Boys record a Manson tune originally titled 'Cease to Exist.' Wilson altered the song slightly and renamed it 'Never Learn Not to Love,' taking the sole songwriting credit for his trouble. The song found release as a B-side of the single 'Bluebirds Over the Mountain' at the end of the year as well as on the 1969 LP '20/20,' both of which made the lower reaches of their respective Top 100 charts. Eventually the family wore out its welcome, as Wilson, growing increasingly fearful of Manson, finally evicted the cult members from his home. Just months later, over two days in August 1969, the Family, directed by Manson, committed the brutal murders of actress Sharon Tate and six others. And to further haunt Dennis Wilson for the remainder of his life a leading theory posits that the murders were a retaliatory message from Manson to the music industry, as the house that Tate lived in was previously occupied by Terry Melcher, who had rejected Manson's bid for a record contract.


So that’s that, Charles Manson is in jail and Beach Boy Dennis Wilson died after drowning in the ocean. You should’ve stayed on the beach, boy!