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And Now A Word From Our (Fake) Sponsor


What if...

What if a retarded Spaniard named Domingo wrote the captions for the New Yorker cartoons? I think it would be heeelarious and would go a little something like this...



I crossbred a dead Beatle with a ten  span and a ten dollar bill and got George Hamilton.


P.O. Box 395 Part 1 of 2!

I think it’s been over three weeks since I checked my lonely P.O. Box, so I thought today I would take the time to walk over, since it’s highly rumored there’s a package all the way from France there!

So I’m here, here’s the P.O. Box, time to open it up.

And sure as a shitwater sandwich there’s a notice in there informing me of a package!

And it’s loaded with items, let me open this up!

Holy shitballs on toast there is a treasure trove of cool and super fun things in here! Look at all of this! Plus there’s a really nice letter from Zioum Zioum which includes an inspirational writers stone! I’m getting ready to go to work, but tomorrow I’ll scan all this stuff in and go in to more detail, I wish I had time now, but I don’t. But the package includes a cool magazine, fun and personalized trinkets by Zioum Zioum, art on bar coasters by the patrons of the AB Bar (where I’m taking everyone when I win Mega Millions), cartoons, beer labels, bottle caps and a very cool mini poster drawn by Zioum Zioum and there’s even more I don’t have time to type in! I will scan all of this tonight after work and share it with you tomorrow, in part two of this Happiest of all P.O. Box days!

Mucho and many thanks to Zioum Zioum for this wonderful package of fun! She told me TMWS is an inspiration to her to keep writing, so check out her writing at the Zioum Zioum blog here: Zioum Cone?ion.

Again, I’ll detail all of this for you tomorrow, thank you so much Zioum Zioum, this made my day!

If you’d like to send something in to TMWS, just send it here:

Marty Wombacher
P.O. Box 395
New York, NY • 10113



Squeal of Fortune Winner!

Joey D is the winner! He correctly gave the answers to yesterday’s Squeal of Fortune question!
Joey D
Thanks also to biff, JHwang, Gene, Zioum Zioum and Professor Dungpie for chiming in!

By 1977 The Sex Pistols had cursed on live TV, puked in airports, been signed and then unsigned by several record companies and were the living, breathing symbols of punk rock. Promoters were afraid to book the band for fears riots would break out at the shows. So the band booked shows with the name, The Spots. Word soon leaked out to the fans and the shows were soon sold out. Here’s what guitarist Steve Jones said of these gigs (from the book, “The Sex Pistols Inside Story” -by Fred & Judy Vermorel):

"That tour was real good, there were a lot of fans queuing up around the block, and they went nuts when we played. It was like how it should have been, a band playing to an audience which dug you. This was playing to fans who wanted to come and see us."

Congratulations again to Joey D and we’ll see you next week on...SQUEAL OF FORTUNE!


Commentator Corner

Welcome to Commentator Corner. If you’re a commentator at the Marty Wombacher Show, feel free to send me images, writings, thoughts, photos, whatever. You’re a part of the show and I’m happy to spotlight your creativity.

Grompf is the spotlit Commentator of the day and he has sent in some fantastic and cool photos. Here’s what he has to say about them:

“The action took place during a hot summer night like this one... No way to sleep: I wandered around my home like a poor loner. The moon came up at the same time as an idea.

I walked on the verge of the river, put my tripod on a bank of pebble. Hopefully nobody saw me with my shoes tied up around my neck! Then, a problem for the centering of the picture is what happened for the next shots and I had to build a "bed" with stones for me and my bean-bag (a homemade & cheap bag used to support the camera everywhere) in the water flow. A few seconds later I was lying down there for some other shots but pictures were really bad. It has been "hot and wet photography!” Everything was soaking on me except my camera, and all of this for nothing.

But you can see a few of the good ones here. Colors are not really natural but not Photoshopped. I used a film dedicated to portraits and that's how the colors turn during long nightly exposures.”

Very cool, Grompf! Thanks for these wonderful photos and we all look forward to seeing more!


Tuesday is not Monday!

Tuesday isn’t the greatest day of the week, but it’s not the worst either, Monday has that distinction and it is over! Woo hoo! I’ve got a fun show lined up for this Tuesday.

Up in the Commentator Corner is Grompf with three very cool photographs that he graciously sent over from France to be viewed on TMWS. I’ve also got the answer and the winner to yesterday’s Squeal of Fortune, some New Yorker cartoon parodies, a new Crossbreeding episode and today I’m finally going to take the time to check out my P.O. Box, there’s a rumor that there’s a package there from France, so we’ll see if it’s true! And I’m going to try and do a Dog Day Afternoon in my travels if I can find someone to play along, we’ll see.

Everybody is loving “Boris’” Home Page art and I’m sure you loved today’s as well. In fact I’m going on record and saying it’s one of my favorites...oh wait, I’m already on the record! “Boris” put me there. How cool that he even tweaked the old A&M logo to be M&W Records and he put a typewriter below that! Great work as always, Daddio! And “Boris” does freelance work, so if you need some specialized art for your website or social site page (like a cool custom avatar), “Boris” is available. He also designs CD and book covers, creates logos, does retouching and anything else that’s aristically related. Just send me an email from the Home Page and I will forward it along to TMWS resident artist.

Okay, you know what’s coming next, The Daily Photo and Condensed Gossip. Pull up a chair and stay tuned or check back often, the most current updates are at the bottom of the Home Page.

Make like Pete Ham and Tom Evans and have a swinging Tuesday!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
A disgruntled employee
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw
jaws the cabbie
Joey D
meleah rebeccah

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Daily Video

Full Nelson!

Just in case you didn’t get the Nelson reference in today’s fake sponsor, here they are! These are Rick Nelson’s big-haired blonde sons. They were popular for about twelve and a half seconds in the '90s. I liked their old man a lot better, so I’m putting a video of him below theirs. And that’s hot shot James Burton on guitar with Rick, he’d later go on to play with Elvis and Gram Parsons.

And just for the hell of it, here’s the Wikipedia entry on Rick’s daughter and sister of Nelson, Tracy: Tracy Nelson.




And Now A Word From Our (Fake) Sponsor