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Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Marty (Louisville)
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Daily Video

Sunday Dinner
Sunday rules, so I eat my Sunday dinner. See, Motherfucker?


Daily Story—Food Category

Sunday Dinner

I have a certain diet I follow and the diet is this:

The Big Salad

Monday through Friday I have a light lunch and I alternate my dinners between a buffet place called Speedy’s where I get a salad and a few slices of chicken breasts and some vegetables. On the other nights I get a big salad from a deli. The big salad is a container filled with lettuce and then you get to put eight toppings on it. I get four servings of sliced carrots, celery, onions, chicken and sliced almonds with a fat free Italian dressing and balsamic vinegar. On Saturday I have a light lunch and then usually will go to a Diner and maybe get some soup, a salad and a grilled cheese or something. So I eat pretty healthy through the week, but the one day I really go wild is Sundays. That’s when I get paid off for being so good through the week and I eat and drink whatever the fuck I want to. I always start planning the meal as soon as I get up. And today was no exception.

I was hungry for a cheeseburger, but I’m going out with some friends next Sunday to a cheeseburger place, so I decided against that. Then I decided to go with a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich.

I love Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches, but it’s hard to find a really good, authentic one. I’ve found that diner’s in particular really fuck them up. They use mozzarella cheese sometimes put green peppers and shit on them.

A Philly Cheesesteak sandwich is a simple sandwich in theory,but a truly tough sandwich to correctly assemble. Here are the proper ingredients: A hero type sandwich roll in which to house the sandwich in, I think sourdough is the best, but as long as it’s fresh a normal roll will do; thinly sliced steak; fried diced onions and last, but certainly not least, the ingredient that makes the sandwich: melted Cheez Whiz, or “Wiz,” as it’s known in Cheesesteak lingo. Speaking of Cheesesteak lingo, the proper way to order a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich is “One, Whiz, Wit.” Meaning one sandwich with Cheez Whiz with onions.”

A Philly Cheesesteak

I found a really good place that has authentic Philly Cheesesteaks in the East Village called 99 Miles From Philly. The cheesesteak sandwich is really good and authentic there, but the place is missing one ingredient. Here’s the website, check out the menu and see if you can figure out what it is:

99 Miles From Philly

Did you see the missing ingredient? There’s no beer there! What in the flying fuck is up with that? Eating a Philly Cheesesteak without a beer is like french-kissing your grandfather. It’s kind of fun, but very wrong!

So I’ve done some research and I found this place in Greenwich Village:


All the reviews I found were positive and they’re a bar, so you know they have beer.

I’ve perused the menu and I’ve already figured out what I’m going to have. I’m going to have a three course meal consisting of:

1. Wogies Crackers.
2. One order of chicken wings, Krazy style.
3. One, Whiz, Wit.

My mouth is already watering for this feast! I think I’ll take my camera and post a Photoblog of the experience. I’ll probably post it either later tonight or first thing tomorrow.

Happy Sunday dining to all of you out there. What are you having?



Sunday Links!


Lazy-Ass Sunday!

Hooray, it’s the Lazy-Ass version of the newly retooled Marty Wombacher Show. I’m adding something new this Sunday, it’s a section called, Sunday Links and it’s just random linkage to various places where you can waste away your Lazy-Ass Sunday. I’ll be putting that up after the Religious Edition of Condensed Gossip which will be up momentarily. The story of the day is about where I’m going for Sunday dinner, which I’m hoping to post as a Photoblog, because I haven’t posted one of those in awhile. And to close it all up will be a Daily Video before I go out to eat.

Enjoy your Lazy-Ass, Crazy-Ass Sunday! Cheers and beers to you and yours!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw
jaws the cabbie
Tom White

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Daily Video

Hunter S. Thompson

I'm working on a piece about Hunter Thompson that I'm hoping to post on Monday. My favorite book by him is his first published book, "Hell's Angel's." Most people know Hunter Thompson through his work with Rolling Stone and the book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." While I liked the book "Fear and Loahing," I feel he painted himself in a corner with it and never really got out again. I also believe he manufactured a lot of his writing and that's what I'm working on for Monday. Anyway, I found this old clip of Hunter Thompson being confronted by one the Hell's Angel's on a show after his book came out. Enjoy!


Saturday Poll



Welcome back to TMWS! Sorry I took two days off, but working days and doing this show just doesn’t mix. And it was nice to have a little break and think about things. One thing I thought about was this show. While it’s been fun doing contests, spotlighting other people’s work and just being goofy, I realized one thing I wasn’t doing and that’s writing. So I’ve decided to somewhat change the format of the show and here’s what’s going to happen.

Three out of four weeks of every month, the show will consist of the following: The twelve o’clock greeting with the “See Motherfucker” photo, An update at The Daily Photo and Condensed Gossip and then here at the Daily Post I’m going to be posting a story every day in the afternoon and then in early evening I’ll put up a fake ad (on weekdays only) and a Daily Video (seven days a week.) On Saturday’s I’ll continue the Saturday Poll and I may throw in an extra thing or two if it strikes my fancy, but the main emphasis will be on the Story Of The Day, which will be featured here in the Daily Post.

I’m going to have different categories for my daily stories and so far they include: Work, Stories From My Past, Music, Food, Books and Random Thoughts. I may add more as time goes along.

The third week of every month will be the week that I bring back contests like The Squeal of Fortune, I’ll do the Website of the Week and a lot of the goofball stuff. Plus that will also be the Commentator Spotlight week and that week I’ll spotlight some of the Commentators. If you want your writing, artwork, photography or whatever spotlit that week, send it to me. The first Commentator’s week starts Saturday, September 20th and that day I’m featuring some underwater self-portraits by Jason Hwang. Oh and I’m still going to do Theme Day Thursday every week as well.

So there you have it, the new retooled and refooled Marty Wombacher Show.

Today’s story is called “Burning Down The Lawn” and it’s a tale about how my brother Jim and I burned up our neighbor’s front lawn when we were kids. It’ll be up later, The Daily Photo is shut down till Monday, but Condensed Gossip is coming up in a couple minutes, then the Saturday Poll, the Daily Story and then the Daily Video early in the evening.

Happy Saturday to one and all!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Joey D
jaws the cabbie
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!