Daily Story—Food Category

Sunday Dinner
I have a certain diet I follow and the diet is this:
The Big Salad
Monday through Friday I have a light lunch and I alternate my dinners between a buffet place called Speedy’s where I get a salad and a few slices of chicken breasts and some vegetables. On the other nights I get a big salad from a deli. The big salad is a container filled with lettuce and then you get to put eight toppings on it. I get four servings of sliced carrots, celery, onions, chicken and sliced almonds with a fat free Italian dressing and balsamic vinegar. On Saturday I have a light lunch and then usually will go to a Diner and maybe get some soup, a salad and a grilled cheese or something. So I eat pretty healthy through the week, but the one day I really go wild is Sundays. That’s when I get paid off for being so good through the week and I eat and drink whatever the fuck I want to. I always start planning the meal as soon as I get up. And today was no exception.
I was hungry for a cheeseburger, but I’m going out with some friends next Sunday to a cheeseburger place, so I decided against that. Then I decided to go with a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich.
I love Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches, but it’s hard to find a really good, authentic one. I’ve found that diner’s in particular really fuck them up. They use mozzarella cheese sometimes put green peppers and shit on them.
A Philly Cheesesteak sandwich is a simple sandwich in theory,but a truly tough sandwich to correctly assemble. Here are the proper ingredients: A hero type sandwich roll in which to house the sandwich in, I think sourdough is the best, but as long as it’s fresh a normal roll will do; thinly sliced steak; fried diced onions and last, but certainly not least, the ingredient that makes the sandwich: melted Cheez Whiz, or “Wiz,” as it’s known in Cheesesteak lingo. Speaking of Cheesesteak lingo, the proper way to order a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich is “One, Whiz, Wit.” Meaning one sandwich with Cheez Whiz with onions.”
A Philly Cheesesteak
I found a really good place that has authentic Philly Cheesesteaks in the East Village called 99 Miles From Philly. The cheesesteak sandwich is really good and authentic there, but the place is missing one ingredient. Here’s the website, check out the menu and see if you can figure out what it is:
99 Miles From Philly
Did you see the missing ingredient? There’s no beer there! What in the flying fuck is up with that? Eating a Philly Cheesesteak without a beer is like french-kissing your grandfather. It’s kind of fun, but very wrong!
So I’ve done some research and I found this place in Greenwich Village:
All the reviews I found were positive and they’re a bar, so you know they have beer.
I’ve perused the menu and I’ve already figured out what I’m going to have. I’m going to have a three course meal consisting of:
1. Wogies Crackers.
2. One order of chicken wings, Krazy style.
3. One, Whiz, Wit.
My mouth is already watering for this feast! I think I’ll take my camera and post a Photoblog of the experience. I’ll probably post it either later tonight or first thing tomorrow.
Happy Sunday dining to all of you out there. What are you having?
Reader Comments (11)
Can't wait for the Photoblog! I'm having beer and a grilled steak and more beer!
The only day where I cook in the year is the Ganesha Chaturthi because I only know to cook indian food, So today I eat my Indian rice with vegetable cook in a curry sauce with hot red peper. It was good ! :D
Enjoy your beer and sandwich !!!!!!!!
This evening i made some photos during a private celebration and i was paid with a bowl of rice ! The more surprising is that i'm still not dead ... ;-)
Enjoy your sandwich and your beers !
Oops! I forgot to put cyianide in the rice! :D
Note to self: bypass Zioum Zioum's rice when Marty wins the Lottery! LOL!
:'( sob...sob... Why no one want to eaaaaaat my fooooood......?! Sob re-sob... sob again...
Ok! I'm not the queen of the cleaning, I don't cook much, I'm unable to recite a cake recipe, I get trouble trying to use a sponge, I prefer beers, belch and rock n'roll and probably I'm not a woman good for the marriage.... BUT (and RE BUTT!) AND BUT :
(Any problem?)
It'd have to be the Mountain Dew.
i had corn on the cob, steamed broccoli and fried fish. maybe it would've been better if i'd-a poured wiz all over the top!
just say a smorgashboard wit, biff.