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Vera Ramone King - Poisoned Heart Book Signing

Dee Dee Ramone’s ex-wife, Vera Ramone King has written a book about her life with Dee Dee called Poisoned Heart - I Married Dee Dee Ramone. I found out she was doing a book signing at Barnes and Noble, so I grabbed my camera and here’s some photos from the event.

Here’s the Barnes and Noble on the corner of Warren and Greenwich.

The escalator goes up! Wheee!

They had a nice display Vera’s books.

Here’s the area where it took place. It eventually filled all the way up.

I sat down and looked up, and I realized I printed that at my night job a couple years ago! Impressive, huh? Yeah I know, it sucks.

Here’s Vera posing with her book. I knew we had one friend in common, Legs McNeil. But I had read her thank you section and found out we had another friend in common, writer David Dalton! I told her and she got a kick out of that.

Vera did a short reading and then there were lots of questions and answers. Guess who asked the first question? Yeah, Mr. Big Mouth, me! I figured everybody would be asking stuff about the Ramones, so I asked a question about her writing. I asked if this was her first book and if she was thinking about writing another. She said it was her first book and that she had worked on it for two years, so she had no idea if she was going to do another one. Believe me, I know that feeling!

After the questions everyone lined up to get their book signed. I was second in line, I walked up and she said, “Oh, it’s David’s friend!” I laughed and said, “Yeah,” then I said, “I’ve got a weird request for you, could you sign it, ‘To Marty, Hi Asshole!’ and then sign your name?” She looked at me like I was totally, batshit nuts, started laughing and said, “Okay, if that’s what you want! Strangest request yet!” A lot of people in line were laughing too and I think they all thought I was mental. Here’s Vera signing the book.
(photo: © 2009 Monica Brady)

Here’s Vera holding the autograph, she was a good speaker and a great sport. And probablly relieved to see me leave!

After I left I cursed myself, because I forgot to get a shot of the two of us, and I think we all know by now how much I love myself (just ask my girlfriend, or as I like to call her: My Right Hand.) So I was a little bummed. Some of the people that had laughed had asked for a card for The Marty Wombacher Show, so I checked in here to see if anyone had commented. And someone named Monica had signed the guestbook and it read: “I think you'll like this:” It was a link to a photo Monica had taken of Vera signing my book! Monica, I can’t thank you enough for supplying this! Great photo and I appreciate you letting me use it!

(photo: © 2009 Monica Brady)

The book looks good and there’s tons of never before published photos in it. If you’d like to buy a copy or look at it, here’s a link to it on Amazon. Happy reading!


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    Response: Hollister
    Hello, here to post points. Here's a good article written, rich in content. If you want more information, look at the situation here:The Marty Wombacher Show - Photoblog - Vera Ramone King - Poisoned Heart Book Signing
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    Amazing Site, Preserve the good job. Thanks a ton.
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    Response: Katy Landscaping
    The Marty Wombacher Show - Photoblog - Vera Ramone King - Poisoned Heart Book Signing
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    Response: spectacularly
    The Marty Wombacher Show - Photoblog - Vera Ramone King - Poisoned Heart Book Signing
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    The Marty Wombacher Show - Photoblog - Vera Ramone King - Poisoned Heart Book Signing
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    Response: healthy diet
    The Marty Wombacher Show - Photoblog - Vera Ramone King - Poisoned Heart Book Signing
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    The idea of this book is good one. We should remove the factor of hate from ourselves for the sake of living better. Otherwise, these affects will grow more with the passage of the time. Then they also result in the bad acts too.
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Reader Comments (9)

Hi Asshole!
Great story!

June 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Hi Asshole! Perfect! Great Pic! You look like a crazed asshole that is all excited because someone called you an asshole! You are such an asshole! I say that with pangs of jealousy Asshole!

hi asshole!! ha ha ha!! yay to vera for playing along!

in other news, i wish that guy ahead of you on the escalator had been wearing a kilt!

June 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff


June 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFRANKIE HEADBANGER

I usually don't comment back, because I don't have the time, but it was indeed Frank Scott that told me about this event! How do you like your job, Frank? And somewhere down the road Frank may even be a guest star here. Okay, I have to get back to the show. Thanks for the comments everyone!

June 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterMarty Wombacher

What a wonderful event, thank you for sharing your experience with us. Also thanks for providing the link for her book, I just purchased a copy.

How very nice of Monica ro send you the photo of you with the author.

You must have very good Karma.

June 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermrs5000

Cool! I love the Ramones and just bought the book! Thanks asshole! JK!!

June 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene

WoW - It really does feel good to call you an asshole!

Thank You Asshole,


PS Don't let your clam dip go bad.

June 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Wombacher

Nothing like a great EX-wife tell-all story to share. This, I know---I myself have more than a few tales which would glue your eyelashes totally shut. Someday when I'm old........okay, I'm already old, but when I'm REALLY old AND wise, which ever comes first, I, too, will write my book and then you can laugh. Or cry. Or puke. You'll decide.

June 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeide

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