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Daily Video

Cheap Trick

Cheap Trick are one of my favorite all time bands and they were a huge influence on a lot of bands. Kurt Cobain said that Cheap Trick was a huge influence on Nirvana and Billy Corgan idolizes them. This is one of my favorite Cheap Trick songs. It’s called "Oh Candy," and it's a song about a photographer friend of the band who committed suicide. Cheap Trick nicknamed him “Candy” because his initials were, “M” and “M.”



New Bar Post

There's a new bar blog right here. Check it out.


Who Knew You Could Get Bombed On Coffee?

Somebody set off a bomb this morning at a Starbucks on the Upper East Side. I'm not condoning setting off bombs, but if you have to do it, I guess this is as good a place to vent your frustration as anywhere.


New Section

There's a new section here that's a collection of the artwork from the home page that now changes daily. You can check it out here, if, God forbid, you forgot to check in on a certain day.


Daily Poll


Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Posting will be very light today, since it’s a hollerday and a lot of people won’t be tuning in and I need to start drinking soon! I’ll put up a poll in a bit, a picture of the day and some photos from the Ear Inn at the bar section later in the afternoon. Have a nice day off, a fun barbecue or whatever it is you do on summer holidays.





Click play to hear opening theme by bandleader and announcer, Slim Volume.


Daily Video

Good Cop Baby Cop

This is hilarious! 



What Kind of Person Are You?

Make your picks and then find out exactly what kind of person you are at the bottom. No cheating!


1. A.) Ketchup, B.) Mustard

2. A.) Beatles B.) Stones

3. A.) Sirloin Steak B.) Chocolate Cake

4. A.) Mad for Plaid B.) Stripes and Solids



If you answered, A.A.A.A. you must think you’re at the dentist. Well think again because I’m not about to fill THAT cavity!

If you answered, B.B.B.B. you should really see a speech pathologist. Stuttering is nothing to be ashamed of and, in most cases, can be successfully dealt with in a short amount of time.

If you answered, B.A.A.A. you’re Daisy the sheep, from Woody Allen’s movie, “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask.” Can I have your autograph?

If you answered, B.A.B.A. that means you’re a follower of the Avatar Meher Baba. There’s also a slight chance you might be Pete Townshend. Or Ronnie Lane. Or Tallulah Bankhead.

If you answered A.B.B.A. you are the Dancing Queen! Young and sweet, only seventeen. Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine. You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life. See that girl, watch that scene, diggin’ the dancing queen.


Daily Poll