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Twilight Zone Thursday!

Alright, last week, if you remember, I had to shut this operation down for two days, so we didn’t have a theme show Thursday. Happily that’s not the case this week and the show must go on!

I’ve got lots of fun Twilight Zone posts coming up and of course several full length Twilight Zone episodes will be scattered in the mix for your approval.

I’ve always admired Rod Serling and he’s one of the people through the years that inspired me to write. So I was thrilled with “Boris’” Home Page art today! Very cool, Daddio, thanks again for another great job, as always! And speaking of “Boris,” he’s got several added attractions coming up for Twilight Zone Thursday. And remember, if you need CD artwork, logos, website artwork, “Boris” is your man, just email me from the Home Page and I will forward the information to “Boris.”

In addition to the Twilight Zone shennanigans, I’ll be updating the other sections soon, so stay tuned or check back throughout the day!

Signpost ahead...it's Twilight Zone time!



Closing Credits

Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Special Guest Star: Frankie Headbanger

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Joey D
Jason Hwang
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw
Rockin' Bob
meleah rebeccah
Beau Brooks


Daily Video

I just realized I forgot to put up a Daily Video. I'm working the Day Shift and these hours are kicking my ass. So I decided just to put up one of my own videos. And awaaay we go!


I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz—Winner!

Here's the answers to today's quiz:

The cook’s middle name: Owsley

His nickname: The Bear

The thing he cooked: LSD

And the winner is...Joey  D!

Since Joey already won both of my books, he has generously decided to give them to someone else. So here's the deal, the first person to leave a comment on this post wins! Courtesy of Joey D!

Joey D

Owsley was known for two things in the ‘60’s, cooking his legendary LSD and helping to design the Grateful Dead’s massive sound system. Here’s part of the Wikipedia entry about him:


Owsley Stanley (born Augustus Owsley Stanley III, January 19, 1935) also known as The Bear, was an underground LSD cook, the first to produce large quantities of pure LSD.

Owsley Stanley (born Augustus Owsley Stanley III, January 19, 1935) also known as The Bear, was an underground LSD cook, the first to produce large quantities of pure LSD.

His total production is estimated at around half a kilogram of LSD, or roughly 5 million 100-microgram "hits" of normal potency, although accounts vary widely. The widespread and low-cost (often given away free) availability of Stanley's high-quality LSD in the San Francisco area in the mid-1960s may have been crucial for the emergence of the hippie movement during the Summer of Love in the Haight-Ashbury area, which one historian of that movement, Charles Perry, has described as "one big LSD party."

Stanley was also an accomplished sound engineer, and the longtime soundman and financier for seminal psychedelic rock band the Grateful Dead. Stanley designed some of the first high-fidelity sound systems for rock music, culminating in the massive "Wall of Sound" electrical amplification system used by the Grateful Dead in their live shows, at the time a highly innovative feat of engineering, and was involved with the founding of high-end musical instrument maker Alembic Inc and the pre-eminent concert sound equipment manufacturer Meyer Sound. The combination of his notoriety in the psychedelic scene and his reclusive tendencies--in part cultivated to confuse the authorities; he avoided being photographed and refused to be interviewed for many years--led to the perpetuation of many inaccurate tales about him.

So there you have it, all the straight dope on Owsley. Congratulations again to Joey D, and thanks for being so generous with your prize! Remember the first comment gets the books! Good luck!


Special Guest Star—Frankie Headbanger!

New York photographer, Frankie Headbanger is this week's Special Guest Star and will be here all week long.

Frankie's pulled some of his punk rock/new wave photos from the late '70's to the early '80's and is sharing them with us here on The Marty Wombacher Show.

So stop on by, enjoy the photographs and give Frankie a nice round of applause in the comments section!

P.S. Special thanks to last week's Guest Star Hap Mansfield! She did a great job and I apogize to her again because the comments section didn't work on that page. If you missed Hap's Mindfields spot, it's still there, just click here: Mindfield's.


Got Any Gum? (Special I’m doing this on my break at work, so don’t fire my ass, edition.)

 “Gum is the Gateway to Friendship!”LN Sugarman

Today’s contestant is also today’s Special Guest Star (which will be posted within the hour), my friend and former boss, Frankie Headbanger!

And now it’s time to play...Got Any Gum?

Frank...have you GOT ANY GUM?

And yes, he’s not only got gum, but it’s Bazooka to my my Bazooka Joe-like photo above. Thanks, Frank...how do you like your job?

We’ll see you all next week, for another exciting edition of, GOT ANY GUM?


I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz

Okay, this is a quiz using sign language. Below is a sign language charts that provide the letters to today’s answer.

And here’s the questions: This was a man who cooked something in the mid 1960s that was very popular with young people at the time. He lived in San Francisco and was a sound engineer for one of the most popular Bay area bands. Below in the sign charts are the letters for his middle name (by which he was primarily known), his nickname and the thing that he cooked. Whoever comes up with the correct answers first in the comments section below wins both my “99 Beers Off The Wall” and “The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck” book. Good luck to all!

The cook’s middle name:

His nickname (the letter “e” is used twice, once in the first name, once in the second):

The thing he cooked: 


Happy Humplestiltskin Day! 

Well, we’ve made it halfway through a dayshift week  and so far no interruptions in the show! Woo and hoo.

A big day today, because we have a new guest star, Frankie Headbanger! Frankie is going to share some of his rock ‘n’ roll photographs from the past, so be looking for that. Thanks again to last week’s guest, Hap Mansfield, I felt bad because she was a guest star the week that the show went on hiatus for two days and the comments section doesn’t work on her post. But she’s a trooper and promises to come back soon. She’ll still be there, she just moves down a spot. So if you’re new to the show, check her post out as well as Gary Pig Gold’s appearance.

I’ve got a new edition of the “I Didn’t Sign Up For This Quiz,” and the prize this week is copies of my two books, 99 Beers Off The Wall and The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck, so I hope people still play!

“Boris’” Home Page artwork is stupendous as always! I’ve got a real baby face going on there! Great work, “Boris!” (“Boris is available for freelance work for CD covers, logos, website art and more, just email me and I’ll forward it on to our resident artist.)

Okay, the Daily Photo will be up in a minute or so and then the rest of the crap, so check back soon. And, as always, check the red links at the bottom of the Home Page for the most current updates. Or just surf around the site, I don’t care. See, Motherfucker?


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Special Guest Star: Hap Mansfield

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Joey D
Rockin' Bob
Hap Mansfield


Daily Video

Beloved Cunt

I think Larry David is one of the funniest people on earth. A good protion of the Seifeld episodes were based on his true-life experiences. After Seinfeld he created his HBO series, “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” This show is cool, because there’s no script, just an outline and the actors improv their dialogue. I saw an interview with Larry David and he said they shoot a bunch of scenes and then just stitch together the best stuff in editting. This is my favorite episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” and episode entiteld, “Beloved Cunt.” Ha ha ha! This is too great!