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Daily Video

I just realized I forgot to put up a Daily Video. I'm working the Day Shift and these hours are kicking my ass. So I decided just to put up one of my own videos. And awaaay we go!

Reader Comments (3)

Great (most of a) story, Martissimo! I'm on the edge of my seat here, wondering if the guy actually jumped or not. (If he did, you're going to hell for wishing he would...)

I also dig your honest vulnerability at the end: you're not afraid to admit that you've lost your place. Hell, I can't even bring myself to admit when I forget to go to the bathroom (though the damning evidence is there all over my pants for anyone to see, alas).

Finally: I like the fact that you're a New Yorker but don't have the annoying accent. Very refreshing!

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJason Childress

Fucking yes! New Yorker accent is better than Chicago mafia accent! LOL !!! :D
I don't need to repeat : " reeeeepeeeeat?????? " !!!

i give this a two thumbs up.

yours truly,
biff ebert

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

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