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Lazy-Ass Sunday!

It’s the Lazy-Ass version of TMWS!
The Daily Photo is still on weekend break, but coming up shortly another batch of Religious Gossip that’ll make my sixth grade nun, Sister Josita spin in her grave, which gives me great pleasure, seeing as how that penguin bitch used to beat the shit out of me on an almost daily basis. Then we get a trip to the Joey Delgado Zombie-Woof Zoo to see what kind of kooky creature is on display today, I’ve got a bit about how I obsess over the singing trio, Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds, a quickity blickity Michael Jackoff thingy, some photos from Zioum Zioum and Grompf's night out last night and then we’ll cap it all off with a Daily Video, which I haven’t picked out yet.

So grab a beer, put a pillow up your ass, sing the national anthem backwards while pretending you’re Mom’s Mabley and have a great, Lazy-Ass Sunday!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Professor Joey D
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw
A disgruntled employee
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Daily Video

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

Russ Meyer was a fucking genius and made films that that pussy Quentin Tarantino couldn’t imagine in a thousand wet dreams. Here’s a trailer for what I consider to be one of his finest films, Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! This should be required material for any film school, a true classic, enjoy!

But remember, don’t race the fastest pussycats, cause they’ll beat you...to DEATH!


Dissecting The Beatles



He was known as the “witty” Beatle. Along with Paul McCartney he wrote most of the Beatle tunes. In 1966 he shocked the world by proclaiming that the “Beatles were bigger than Aunt Jemima.” In 1968 he further shocked the world by divorcing his wife Cynthia and marrying Gertrude Stein. Years later a crazy man blew his mind out with a gun. He’s currently dead.


Paul was the “cute” one. Along with John Lennon he wrote most of the Beatle tunes. After manager Brian Epstein died from an accidental tourist, Paul suggested they make a film called Magical Misery Sewer. The film turned out to be bigger than waffles and later Paul stunned the world by announcing he was quitting the Beatles. “I quit,” he said. After his wife Linda (the Lovely Linda) expired he married a legless woman whom he affectionately referred to as “stumpy.” She divorced him and is currently dancing with half his bank account to make up for the missing limb. He continues to record music that not too many people listen to these days.


George was known as the “quiet” Beatle. He’s currently dead. He’s really quiet now.


Ringo was known as the “dumb” Beatle. He surrendered the title to Paul, after Paul married his one-legged bride. While in the Beatles he wrote two songs. Neither of them made much sense and only seventeen people have listened to them all the way through. These days he enjoys looking at things that twirl and wearing plaid pajamas.


Bad News...Good News

Bad news, I didn't hit the Lottery. Good news, neither did anyone else! Next week it's up to 170 motherfucking dollars! Think positive and keep a fist in the Jesus Hole!


Commentator Corner

Welcome to Commentator Corner. If you’re a commentator at the Marty Wombacher Show, feel free to send me images, writings, thoughts, photos, whatever. You’re a part of the show and I’m happy to spotlight your creativity.

Jason Hwang is today’s commentator and a photographer here in New York City. He builds his own cameras and you can see some of his work here: Jason Hwang.

Here’s three unique and fascinating photos from Jason and here’s what he has to say about them:

“These 3 images are Photo-Grams , done on Polaroid SX70 or Polaroid 600 Film .
A Photo-Gram is when you use unexposed photographic material in the darkroom, and in total darkness place objects on to film (or paper), and expose to light . So here I used Polaroid color instant film. I started doing these in the early 80's, and unfortunately I don't do that much today, only if I really have a good idea, because Polaroid doesn't make this film any more, and it's almost all gone in the marketplace. I have about 15 packs, I think, since I hide them in my apartment so I don't go into a drunk moment and think I have a good idea, like the last drunk idea and wasted a pack.”

Very cool, Jason! Thanks, we look forward to more photos next week!

P.S. Remind me to take another picture of you next week at work, you’re right, I’m getting sick of this one! Hope you’re having a nice vacation!


Saturday Poll


It’s Saturday!

Whoop-dee-doo, it’s the motherfucking weekend! It’s Saturday, so the Daily Photo is on hiatus till Monday, but we do have Condensed Gossip coming up momentarily. Then it’s time to chug some diet Mountain Dew and then we have a Saturday Poll, a Commentator Corner featuring some cool photos by Jason Hwang, a bit on the Beatles and a Daily Video in the early evening. And maybe more if I think of anything else to throw up here. Throw up being the operative word!

So enjoy the Saturday and check back often! Cheers, beers and Wonder years!


Closing Credits

Produced, directed and written by Marty Wombacher

Theme song and announcer: Slim Volume

Resident artist: “Boris”

Contributing Writers (Comments section, listed in order of comment):
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!
Joey D
Zioum Zioum The Chainsaw

Thanks for tuning in and contributing everyone, we’ll see you tomorrow at THE MARTY WOMBACHER SHOW!


Daily Video

The Mindfucker of All Time!

It’s the 40th anniversary of Woodstock this weekend and this clip always cracks me up. I read in an interview where John Sebastian said he wasn’t scheduled to play, he was just there to hang out and he was tripping on STP. At the last minute they needed someone to play a song with an accoustic guitar while they cleaned up the stage after it rained. So he went out and I almost get a flashback listening to him! His speech is funny because he’s higher than a kite on helium, but it’s also sad that none of this shit came true. Forty years later the dream is really dead. The hippies became yuppies and bankers and look what they did to us. A good reason to have a drink or 12 this weekend. Up against the wall, Motherfuckers!