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Jesus Thursday!

Top of the morning, just like Jesus I have risen again to deliver the gospel of The Marty Wombacher Show. And today the gospel is all about our friend and saviour Jesus Christ.

Wow, thanks for the applause and someone’s even whistling out there, oh wait, that’s the wind whistling through the holes in Jesus’ hands. Hey Jesus, you want to put your hands in your robe, so I can finish this? Jesus putting his hands in his robe made me think of this Jesus joke:

Q. What’s white, sticky and moves across the sky at a thousand miles an hour?

A. The coming of the Lord!

Hey Jesus, I kid because I love! So don’t get cute and turn me into a tuna casserole or something.

Anyway I’ve got a ton of Jesus things to put up today, there’s Jesus websites, a big Jesus, Jesus items for sale, Sing Along With Jesus, a shaving Jesus and lots more. And Jaws the Cabby and “Boris” have each made some artwork specifically for Jesus day!

And speaking of “Boris,” today’s Home Page art is Jesusriffic! Great work Daddio and what I love about it is that if there really is a Jesus you’ll join me in hell. Bring some ice, I don’t like warm beer. And if “Boris” makes it through the day without being zapped to hell, remember he is available for all your freelance art needs, be it a CD cover design, a logo, retouching or just plain blasphemous art! Send me an email and I’ll pass it along (my email is on the Home Page.)

Okay first up is the Daily Photo and then Condensed Gossip and then onto Jesus Thursday!

If you’re Jesus and you know it clap your hands...whoops, sorry Jesus!

Reader Comments (5)


August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJHwang

i saw on the news this morning...some lady just found jesus in a rose petal, which is funny, because he always seemed more like a birds of paradise kind of guy to me.

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

Jesus is really in the hole now!

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene1

Satan shoots...Jesus saves.

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterProfessor Joey D

TO JESUS DAY ! I'm going to kiss that beautiful dog's ass!
"smack" is a french onomatopoeia imitating the noise of a kiss...So I just think :

Smack my ass and call me jesus !

MOUAHHAAHAHahahaahahihiihihhihahargt !

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