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Jesus Not Only Walks On Water, He’s All Over The Fucking Internet!

Reader Comments (3)

madonna is a jew, yet she's blowing jesus. paging dr. freud!

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

Loved that last entry!

August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene1

Ohhhh! I just to turn on the light and jesus appeared on the light bulb !!!

Jesus of the week: Where will you find Jesus? --> They answered in the suds of a guiness !!!! Hooooray! I need a guiness right now!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus the carpenter, right! TO CATS PISSING ON JESUS CHAIRS!

Jesus dress up site : I made a beautiful "Jesus Whore" !!! If someone want oral sex, know that "Jesus Whore" is very generous with all of us : only 1 dollar !


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