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Beer Frame

I had a conversation at work today with two of my co-workers about how it’s fucking nuts that marijuana’s not legal. Think of the tax money it would bring in. Plus the cost of arresting people for possession and jailing people would be gone. It mystifies me why they just don’t legalize it.

This conversation led me to think about the first time I smoked pot and the drugs I did through the years. Here’s a short list (it would go on and on if I named them all) and my thoughts on the drug.

1. Marijuana. I first got high with my brother Jim and his friend Bob when I was 14-years-old. We smoked about three joints and I told them I didn’t feel anything. They just laughed at me and we went to a Convenient store to get something to eat. Walking in, I saw a kid I went to school with, tried to say hi, but couldn’t stop laughing. I literally ended up on the floor howling with laughter as my brother and Bob laughed at me and everyone else in the store looked at me like I was mental. I became a serious pothead for years after this.

2. Speed. My sophomore year I was introduced to speed by a friend and I loved it! I took it off and on for years, but when I turned 19 I moved out with friends and started taking it about three times a day. In about four months I had lost about twenty pounds, was drinking tons of beer and gin and ended up with a horrible case of mononucleosis. I had to move back into my parents house because I was so sick. I also found out you get physically addicted to speed and had the horrors of going through withdrawal from speed while sick as a dog with mono. I don’t think I’ve ever felt worse. I stopped doing speed after this.

3. Acid. I loved acid! I always had fun and never had a “bad trip.” When I say acid, this includes, LSD, windowpane, mescaline, barrel sunshine, blotter acid and other stuff I can’t remember, probably because I took so much acid! One of my favorite acid trip stories happened at Disneyland in Florida. After our senior year in high school I drove to Florida with some friends and we went to Disneyland and took acid. One of my friends had never done acid and he freaked out and we lost him at one point. We finally found him at a gift shop and he had spent all of his money on Mickey Mouse dolls! He had a huge bag of them and was just staring at them! We had to talk the girl there into giving him his money back. You had to be there, but it was hilarious.

4. Mushrooms.
Mushrooms were the best! I took these whenever I could and laughed my ass off whenever I did. My friends and I used to take these before high school and the teachers wondered how pre-algebra and physical science could be so funny.

5. Seconals/downers.
I only took these a few times. They’d make you feel and act like you were dead drunk, and I preferred to get to that place naturally, by drinking.

6. Hash and Thai sticks. I started smoking both of these around the same time as when I started smoking pot and always had a good time high on this stuff.

7. Cocaine. In the winter of 1980 I was drunk out of my mind at The Owl’s Nest Bar in Peoria, Illinois and a friend of mine came in and asked if I wanted to do some coke. I looked at him shocked and said, “Coke, isn’t that shit like heroin?” He told me it wasn’t addictive at all and it would straighten me out and it would feel like the night had just begun. We went to his truck I snorted two massive lines and it was unbelievable! It sobered me up somewhat and made me feel great. I thought I had found the miracle drug! About a year later after spending an entire weekend alone snorting coke and drinking mountains of beer, my brother came over, saw the weird shape I was in and told me I should knock this shit off and that people were talking about me. So I stopped doing it and that was tough. Even though it’s not physically addicting, mentally I really craved it and had cocaine dreams for over a year. A weird period in my life!

I pretty much stopped doing drugs around 1985 and that’s when I started writing. I had a blast doing drugs, other people I knew weren’t so lucky and either couldn’t quit, overdosed or ended up psychotic. Luckily, I was psychotic before I started taking them, so what did I have to lose?

While I am drug free these days, one vice still remains though, and that is beer! So cheers to you and yours and I’ll be back here around noon. Hope you come back then!



Reader Comments (11)

It remembers me the first time I took drug...10 years old (yeah, fucking kid!!) I snorted with my sister (12 years old) some "Eau Ecarlate", it is a liquid stain remover based of petroleum distillates.
At begining, It was fun! you hear yourself speak like a robot !!! But my cousin was a little snitch, and is gone to tell to my dad.
When I got home, my dad said : "pen-paper"... So, I brought back a pen and a paper. With my sister, we sat at the table, and my dad began to draw a brain "That's a brain!", then some neurons "That's neurons".... then... a bottle of Eau Ecarlate "THAT IS a FUCKING BOTTLE!" He made enormous scrabble, torn up the paper, broken the pen in pieces and shouted " IF YOU SNORT THIS SHIT YOUR NEURONS WILL LOOKS LIKE EMPTY BALLS!!!! "
I fucking cried like a child 5 years old! Then he added "If you want to take drugs, ask me and I will give you, but I choose What, When, Where!".
Some years after (15 or 16 years old), I asked weed... he gave me weed! I asked cigarettes & alcoohol... and he gave me !!! For others drugs, he never gave me (I never asked! lol) but each time I needed advices, he told me his own experiences, effects, dangers etc...
The result is that each time I took drugs (Coke & LSD) I heard this fucking sentence in my head "If you snort this shit, your neurons will looks like empty balls!"... I think I'm traumatized for the life!! and I love the shit metaphors of my dad when he is angry!!! haha!
Indeed, I never took much drugs ;) good upbringing again! The better dealer that you can find in your life, IS your dad !!! ;D

I definitely like any drug that makes me sound like a cheezy 1970's robot.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Flavor

I Plead the Fifth Your Honor.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

just say yo.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

Marty, it is scary how similar some of these stories are to mine. But, we are related. I hope my mother doesn't read this...she knows most of it anyway, and has probably blocked it out of her memory.
Acid at Disney Land...classic--you know, I did that at Six Flags, and there isn't a single person I've told who didn't think I was nuts for tripping on roller coasters--even the druggiest of friends. (To be honest, I spent the first hour or two in the newly installed lazy river--mind blowing...)

My favoroite quote of the day is Marty Wombacher on downers:
"They'd make you feel and act like you were dead drunk, and I preferred to get to that place naturally, by drinking."

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSammy G

As pothead walks down the road, a genie appears in front of him. "I'll grant you two wishes," says the genie.

The pothead replies, "I want a never ending joint."

The genie says, "As you wish," and gives him the joint.

The pothead takes a long drag and says, "Awesome! I want another one!"

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermrs5000

How in Holy Hades did you forget your favorite drug that begins with an M?

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertiefighter25

Ummm. Disneyland is in California not Florida. I think this whole article is bullshit, based on that fact. I hate this website.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoey D

Okay it was Disney World, sorry you think my stories are bullshit, but they're not.


June 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterMarty Wombacher

Joey, everyone knows Disneyland is in Paris Moiseur.

June 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertiefighter25

And if you keep accusing me of bullshittery, Joey, I may have to start in on Brit Brit again! Har har.

June 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterMarty Wombacher

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