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The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck

The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck came out in July of 2008. It's a collection of true-life stories that have happened in my somewhat weird life. The copy on the back cover of the book (above) pretty much sums it all up. Joe Freedman designed the book and it was his idea to include two flip book movies at the bottom of the pages and it is a really cool extra for the book. One of them is me drinking a beer and another I'm sleeping and dreaming on a park bench.

You can read more about it and you can buy all the copies of this you want at my Lulu storefront, which you can find by clicking on this link—The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck.

The book got some decent internet attention that you can see in the news section and got a nice review by Phil Luciano in the Peoria Journal Star, thanks again Phil! I was also interviewed on the Markley and Luciano show on WMBD radio and yes, Phil Luciano has stock in the book. Just kidding!

I also filmed some spots for YouTube (filmed and directed by Luna Hirai) and I've posted one of them below, you can watch the rest of them here—Fire Truck film clips. Enjoy!

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    The Marty Wombacher Show - Product - The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck
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    The Marty Wombacher Show - Product - The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck
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    The Marty Wombacher Show - Product - The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck
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Reader Comments (2)


nice haircut guess who....

November 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwhitey

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