Elvis Presley is a Wormfeast

Elvis Presley is a Wormfeast is a book I wrote in 1991 while still publising POP magazine. My thinking was, "Hey, while I'm losing money on a magazine, I should throw some away on a book!" Basically the book was a celebration of the death of Elvis and how Elvis' persona and career had gotten much bigger after he died. It's a pretty silly book and in retrospect a tad embarassing, but it did generate some press. Bill Bell (another New York contact I had met) was a book reviewer for the New York Daily News and he reviewed it and called it, "weird fun," which could also be used to describe my life. One big break for the book was that Kurt Loder featured it on "The Week in Rock," on MTV and it was repeated about 10 times over a weekend and I sold a lot of books through that. I also got a lot of death threats from Memphis, Tennessee, the most frightening one being a nail in an envelope and nothing else. Needless to say, I haven't been back to Memphis, since. Thanks to the MTV plug, I broke even on the project and maybe even made a few bucks.
The book is out of print, although old copies still show up on Amazon, eBay and if you Google it, you'll find mentions of it on the internet. As Elvis would say, "Thank ya. Thank ya very much!"
Reader Comments (1)
I used to buy cocaine from a bartender downtown that sold $20.00 bags from behind the bar with this as their "brandname" stamped on the glassine. Your FAMOUS.