Trivial Trivia—The Idiot Edition

Trivial Trivia—The Idiot Edition is a game I conceived and created with a friend of mine, Greg Owens in 1986 back when I lived in Peoria, Illinois. I thought of the idea and wrote the questions and Greg designed the package. Basically what it was, was a goof on the Trivial Pursuit game, which was huge at the time. I decided it was time to come up with a game that even idiot's could play and enjoy, hence, Trivial Trivia—The Idiot Edition. Some of the questions were: What is Burt Reynold's first name? How many members were in the original Jackson 5? Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? I'm sure you catch the drift of the game, if not, how did you turn your computer on?
We came out with the game, got on a local radio show, then did more local radio shows, which led to being in the local paper, which led to being on the local news, which led to a neighboring city writing a feature story, which led to a U.P.I. national story on the wires which caused everything to go nuts. After the U.P.I. put the story out nationally about a couple of wise-asses from Peoria, Illinois who had made a satirical Trivial Pursuit game, it was printed up in newspapers across the country, we did hundreds of radio interviews, (I soon learned that every city has a morning "zoo" show and got really tired of talking to those buffoons fast!), the game was mentioned on Good Morning America and the Today Show called and asked us if we'd like to be guests on the show. Of course we said, "Yes!" So we got flown out to New York (I had never been to New York and little did I know that 7 years later I'd move out here) and we were interviewed by Jane Pauley, who was really nice, by the way. After the Today show interview, K Mart and Osco Drugs stocked the game and when all was said and done we had sold over 100,000 games and made a nice chunk of change. The game has long been out of print, however I still have about twenty of them that my family will sell on eBay after I die. You can buy one then.
Reader Comments (1)
OMG this is HILARIOUS, I want one.