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One Door Closes...

And another one opens.

Okay, finally time to make my big announcement. First off, The Marty Wombacher Show is going to be put on indefinite hiatus. I’m not taking the show down, but outside of a rare update here and there, I won’t be spending a lot of time here after today.

I started this website show last May and it’s been a ton of work and a ton of fun. Looking back I can see that I bit off more than I could chew and there was no way I could sustain the pace that I was doing when I first started. I also learned some things about layout and discovered I was approaching websites with a magazine mind and that’s not the way to do it.

I think I’ve learned from my mistakes and a couple month’s ago I took a look at the show and realized what always got the best responses from people both online and in the real world and that was my photoblogs. I didn’t do a whole lot of them, because they take some time to do and I was always too busy writing all the other sections. But whenever I did one the hits would always spike and people would always tell me they wished I would do more of them.

So I decided to take the element that best worked here on TMWS and devote a daily updated website to it. I’ll post a link to it soon, but first I’d like to thank everyone who has stopped by and enjoyed TMWS. Especially those of you who left comments. Websites live and die by comments and I was lucky enough to have some funny Motherfuckers leave great comments. A lot of times some of the comments were better than the posts, which I love. So if you’re reading this, please know I’m humbled by your attention and I truly appreciate you stopping by. I thank you from the bottom of my cold, black heart!

Okay, I could ramble on about the new website, but I’d prefer to let it speak for itself, so here’s the link to it:


The first post is already up, so I hope you stop by.

Thanks again for tuning in for the last 9 months, it’s been nothing but a pile of motherfucking fun!

Oh and I have to thank TMWS resident artist, “Boris.” His Home Page artwork took the show up several notches and I appreciate all your great, funny and original artwork. And “Boris” does freelance artwork as well, so if you need website art, CD covers, book cover, etc. just email me and I’ll pass it along. Thank you “Boris” my brother, you made this whole trip a lot more fun by manning an oar and coming along on the ride.

“Boris” did the banner art at the new site, so go check it out! See you over there!


Reader Comments (2)

Congrats on the new endeavor, motherfucker! I'm always looking for new places to eat and drink when in the Big Apple, so I can't wait to read your reviews and plug the raves into my handy-dandy computer phone.

See you over at the new site!

Your pal,

P.S. Thanks for not asking me to help you move.

January 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

Okay Marty...Im blogrolling and adding the link to your new page immediately. Good luck and enjoy your new website!

January 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermeleah rebeccah

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