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On The Air Again!

Hello everybody and welcome back to The Marty Wombacher Show! I had a nice break and I’m sure I lost a lot of viewers, so if you’re reading this, I appreciate your loyalty in sticking with me. I had a nice vacation and I’ve got some material built up, so hopefully there won’t be another break for a good long while.

I’ve streamlined the show and changed the format a little bit. I’ve taken away the Condensed Gossip section because I felt that had run its course and was pretty much the same thing day in and day out. Basically this is how the show will run from here on in. We’ll start off right here with a good morning introduction and the “See Motherfucker” art of the day. Then I’ll put up the Daily Photo and then a bit later I’ll post the Daily Story. This will be a decent sized story that will now be the focal point of TMWS. Then at the end of the day I’ll put up the fake ad. So basically, if you just want a quick chuckle, you get the “See, Motherfucker,” The Daily Photo and the Fake Ad. And if you’re into reading, there’ll be a good sized story to peruse. every day So there’s a little something for everyone. This will be the weekdays. On the weekends things will get a lot looser and that’s when I’ll put up fishwrap type stuff, polls, I’ll put up weekend videos, Sunday links, Sunday religious corner, and just oddball stuff. I think there was too much stuff going on here, and I’m anxious to start the new and improved Marty Wombacher Show.

Today’s Home Page art is a true classic by “Boris!” It’s me in full bellboy mode and it’s hilarious! Great job, Daddio, this was a nice piece of art to start off the TMWS version 2.0! And “Boris” is not only the resident artist at TMWS, he’s also available for freelance work. If you need some made to order artwork for your website, a CD or book cover designed, retouching, a logo or anything you desire, “Boris” can make it happen. Just send me an email using the form on the Home Page and I’ll forward it on to “Boris.”

In today’s Daily Story I’ve written a feature on writer Hunter S. Thompson and tell which of his books is my favorite and why. Later on, I’ll post the Fake Ad of the day. So, again, thanks for tuning in and please stay tuned or check back in, the Daily Photo is going up soon. The red links on the Home Page will direct you to the latest update.

Happy, snappy Tuesday to all of yous! See, Motherfucker?

Reader Comments (9)


September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJHwang

Ahhh There's no place like "home".
That Bellboy had been waiting in the wings for awhile.

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

The bellboy don't look so dusty ! :o)

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergrompf

Nice job, Boris! Love the photo...I like the See Motherfucker picture, too. Much funnier than those obnoxious LOLCATZ things that get e-mailed out all the time...

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

TO TMWS version 2.0 !!!!!!! TO BORIS !!!!!!
I like this new format !!! :D see, motherfucker?

Viva asshole juice ! meeeow !

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

My calendar was marked for this day! Welcome back, great See Motherfucker art and Boris's is one of his best! To all of you, good to see TMWS back!

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene1

"paging mr. herman. mr. herman, you have a telephone call at the front desk." great artwork, "Boris!" HA HA HA! and welcome back, motherfucker! we missed you! there's not enough asshole juice in the world to keep me away from TMWS!

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

Great job Boris and Marty.

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChilelem

dudes offererin' up some sly backbeat humors story tellin fools playin with the views for mass consumption...
in a beat kind of way

September 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPamela Lukas

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