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Website of the Week

Once a week I thought I’d feature a website that’s just doing something for the sheer fuck and love of it. So please don’t send me links to your band’s website or your blog for this. But if you know of someone doing something fun and/or wacky, please email me the link and it might just end up the Website of the Week! (Like that’s a big fucking deal!)

This Weeks Website:
A Photographic Study Of MySpace

I got on MySpace back in 2007 and met some really cool people and some real freaks and drama kings and queens as well and finally I had had enough and took my page down and migrated over to facebook like everyone else. One of the cool people is a guy by the name of Whit and he started collecting bizarre pictures off of MySpace pages and made a page on MySpace devoted to this and it was a genius idea. A freak show  for sure and hilarious.It was one of the few things I missed about MySpace.

Well I miss it no more, because Whit now has a full-blown website dedicated to this project and it’s hilarious and disturbing all at the same time! Check it out here:

A Photographic Study Of MySpace

You have to register with the site to leave a comment, but it only takes a second and is well worth it. Enjoy!

Reader Comments (4)

I just went and looked, LMFAO! Great site!

September 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene1

Great stuff Whit!

September 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

Yay, Whit!

September 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

Oh yes... Myspace sucks! It is why I'm insociable and no one can ask me as friend! LOL
I got a lot of shit with myspace and now, I delete people when they fuck with me ! No pity for asshole! But crazy as people never understood that it is a website for show your artistic works !!
People love their Fake myspace world ! They can show their intelligence on it, because of course, the intelligence is like the marmelade, the less you have, the more you spread on your cracker !!!! haha :D

September 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

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