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Repository of Kitsch!

A cool new website is launching today and I’m happy to spread the word here at TMWS. Here’s the official press release:

From world-renowned Grammy, Emmy, Tony, and Webbie award-winning and nominated songwriter (with over 50 million records sold!) and visionary multimedia artist Allee Willis comes the long-awaited Grand Opening of "The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch" - by far the largest and most gloriously supreme online repository of kitsch and kitsch-related human interaction this planet has ever seen! What is kitsch? Step into the wild and wonderful world of Allee Willis to find out!

Launching globally on September 14th with a spectacular week of live events in Los Angeles and a progressive YouTube festival of eight original Allee-crafted "What Is Kitsch?" short films, The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch website will showcase an ever growing, mind expanding panoply of utterly delightful items from Allee's legendarily massive private collection (as seen in her wildly popular "Kitsch O' The Day" blog). The site will also encourage like-minded "aKitschionados" around the globe to send in digital images and descriptions of their own prized kitsch treasures, which Allee will personally curate, adding the cream of the kitschy crop to The Museum's collection. In the "Kitschenette" section, visitors to The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch ("Allee's Legendary Landfill of Esthetic Essentials With Intrinsic Life Lessons In Soul") will be able to share their favorite kitsch and interact with other like-minded aKitschionados - including Allee herself, live from her kitsch command center at Willis Wonderland, the party pad built for MGM in 1937 and the physical location of The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch.

Allee would love for you to be a part of the luminous launch of The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch! Your coverage would be welcome anytime in the future - but it would be most appreciated starting on Monday, September 14th and during the week of the AWMoK launch, as the "What Is Kitsch?" videos are posted each day on YouTube. Please spread the word to your readers and friends, share the "What Is Kitsch?" video links (available soon by request, and daily at www.AWMoK.com beginning September 14th) - and if you happen to be in Los Angeles, you are cordially invited to join Allee in person for the most fabulously kitschy kitsch events you could possibly ever imagination!

So go check it out!

The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch

Reader Comments (2)


September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

I Love the kitsch!! And the better Kitsch I seen in my life was when I worked in the Indian furniture & art store !! India is unbelievable !!! Oh! it make me think of Ganesh : Ganesh is KITSCH : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9iG4nMVkR4

September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

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