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« Daily Story—Category: Jail | Main | Closing Credits »


Oh fuck it’s Monday. And my vacation is over. And I didn’t get near the amount of writing done, so I may have to resort to putting up pre-published stuff in the Daily Story as I’m back to doing this in almost “real” time. But I do have today’s story all written up. Hopefully I can get a little ahead of myself, but my plan for this week is to write about the four times I’ve been in jail (I’m going to return to my writing career next week, I was in a jail-writing mood lately.) Today’s adventure is about the first time I got thrown in the clink, way back when I was 18-years-old.

And “Boris” has put together some arresting art for today’s Home Page (just call me the king of the segueways!) It’s one of his cool retro go-go gems! I love it, great one Daddio! If you’re looking to snazz up your website with original art, or if you need a CD or book cover designed or a logo or whatever, “Boris” is available for freelance artwork. Just send me an email using the Home Page form and I’ll dutifully pass it along.

Okay, I gotta run now and try to get shit written for this week before I go to work. The Daily Photo is up within minutes and then there’s a special announcement about a cool new website debuting today and then the Daily Story. Woo woo. Hoo hoo. Goo goo ga joob.

Reader Comments (5)

hi asshole!

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentera crab on Blondie's snatch

Yeah ! Happy monKday ! :D buuuurps !

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

I'm glad Monday will soon be a done day! See motherfucker? LOL!

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene1

Just a word or two concerning monkeys. They don't always make the best of pets. My best freind had one when I was a kid, and it didn't get along at all with his crazy father. My bud's dad came home one day to find the monkey swinging from the ceiling light fixture and spraying crap and piss all over the living room. Dad-o went apeshit and proceded to chase the little fucker around the house with a nine iron. The monkey ran into the bathroom with dear old dads hot on his trail and murder on his mind. The monkey doubled back on him, jumped onto his shoulder and bit off part of his ear. The monkey went to a shelter that very day. Dear old dads went to the emergency room, and the medics laughed themselves into a hemmorage while they were sewing him up and listening to him rant as though he were already rabid as a result of the bite. True story, cross my heart.

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjaws the cabbie

Note to self: Don't get pet monkey.

September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

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