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Website of the Week

Once a week I thought I’d feature a website that’s just doing something for the sheer fuck and love of it. So please don’t send me links to your band’s website or your blog for this. But if you know of someone doing something fun and/or wacky, please email me the link and it might just end up the Website of the Week! (Like that’s a big fucking deal!)

This Weeks Website:

The Great Thompson Hunt

On Tuesday I wrote the Daily Story about Hunter Thompson and my favorite book by him, Hell’s Angels. So I thought I’d post a Hunter Thompson website as the website of the week.

I found this website a while back and there’s so much information and things to read it can be a bit overwhelming, but it’s definitely the best Hunter S. Thompson site I’ve ever seen, as far as content is concerned. If you’re a Hunter fan, you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The Great Thompson Hunt

Reader Comments (1)

I've wasted a couple hours on their already, great find for HST fans!

September 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene1

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