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September 11th

Hard to believe it’s been eight years since the September 11th shit went down. This town really turned into a shitty place to be for awhile. Thankfully it’s gotten better. I remember TV got sickening, because it was all news about September 11th. Anyway, it was a weird time and I’m posting two stories today that I wrote in the past about September 11th. The first I’m posting was a piece I wrote the week it happened for a website called Toast and it’s called “My Good Friend Mr. Booze.” The second is a chapter from my book, The Boy Who Would Be A Fire Truck.

“Boris” did a great job with today’s Home Page art.
Nice and subtle, plain and simple. Great job Daddio! And “Boris” is available for freelance work for your website, CD or book cover, custom logos, retouching and anything you can imagine. Just send me an email from the Home Page form and I’ll send it to him directly.

I remember that David Letterman was one of the first people to go back on the air on TV after September 11th. I think he summed the whole fucking thing up with this statement: “As I understand it...we’re told the they were zealots, fueled by religious fervor. And if you live to be 1,000 years old will that make any sense to you? Will that make any goddamn sense?”

Well, it’s eight years later and it still doesn’t. Here’s Dave from that fateful night:

The Daily Photo is up soon and then the Daily Stories. Stay tuned or check back often.

Reader Comments (8)

This is why Dave is the best.

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

It brought me to tears back then and it did it again, Fuck! .......I believe he nailed it!

I remember watching that too and it was heartbreaking and uplifting and true. Dave rules.

On a happier note, that "see, motherfucker" is the funniest thing I've seen in years! Reminds me of Fred Sanford and 'Lizabeth! Hahahahahahah!!! Thanks for the laugh!

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

Great clip, Dave said it all! And great artwork today, Boris!

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene1

I love the cover page that Boris did! Beautiful work! Stunning!

When 9-11 happened, I woke up at about 11:30 am cst. It was an absolutely gorgeous, sunstruck morning in the twin cities. I was working nights in my cab back then, and rarely got out of bed before noon. I turned on the news, expecting to see the same old same old, but instead of that, I saw a live image of a column of smoke with Dan Rather babling hysterically in the backround. !? Then, a minute or two later, they showed a rerun of te first plane hitting the first tower. !?!?! I threw on a pair of pants and ran to my next door neighbors house and asked him if he had his television on, and if he saw the plane hit the world trade center tower in New York...and he said yeah, and if you watch awhile, you'll see the other one get hit...they both collapsed to the ground you know. !?!?!?!?!?! It took a while for everything I was seeing to register that day...it was beyond belief. I got into my cab, turned on the computer and went to work that day, I couldn't think of anything else to do, and my passenger's reactions to the morning's events were basically devided between dazed apoplexy and non-stop fear and rage laced hyperbabble concerning the morning's events. Those were the ones that couldn't help but reach over the seat and touch my shoulder over and over again, something I usually hate, but not that day. The one thing I remember the most about that day was close to midnight when I was about to call it a night. There was one old guy standing on a street corner with a candle in a paper cup. There was a VFW cap on his head and he was wearing a hand lettered sandwich board. It said;
Pray for us.

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjaws the cabbie

Best cover yet. Go Boris.

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFah Que Been Lodden

I remember I was in high school when it happened, and of course I was skipping the class, going out to drink beers & smoke. Then an asshole is came to see me and told me "hey! go back to scholl, a plane just to hit the wtc, we should watch the TV" I was getting high, thought it was a joke and replied " Buzz off to fuck your grandma son of a bitch!" (woo hoo! yes I'm agreable sometimes! lol) Then he insisted so I'm went to watch TV and I think I got one of my fastest down with weed !
10 days later, we got our AZF explosion disaster (chemical factory) in Toulouse. Oh yes... Toulouse IS the european capital of aerospatial and plane ! So I thought we were the second target...
8 years later, I'm thinking that even if in our case it is not right from our own government, no matter the CEO is a buddy to the Suckozy son of bitch french president! ALL SON OF A BITCH !

Zioum Zioum revolution ! :)

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

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