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Thank fuck it’s Friday! I’m ready for the weekend.

Thanks to everyone who tuned in to yesterday’s Jesus Thursday! I’m happy to report I haven’t been struck down dead, or if I did, I’ve risen and come back to life, just like the original J-Man claimed to do!

But today is a new day and a new show. The Daily Photo and Condensed Gossip will be up soon and there will be multiple updats here at the Daily Post including a trip to my P.O. Box to see if I finally got some motherfucking mail, a brand new edition of Hi Asshole! and a lot more bullshit as I think it up.

Boris” did a cool job with the Home Page art today, he converted the original MTV logo into a logo for The Marty Wombacher Show. It turned out super cool! And speaking of logo’s, if you need a logo for your website, band or whatever, “Boris” is available to create you one. He’s also available for website art retouching and anything you can think of (within reason!) Just send me an email from my Home Page and I’ll forward it to “Boris.”

Okay updates will start happening momentarily, stay tuned or check the links at the bottom of the Home Page for current updates. And eat Cheez Whiz, it’s some great tasting shit! I like it on crackers!

Reader Comments (3)

I survived it too...

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

that hamster must be standing in front of the rachel ray poster!

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff


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