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P.O. Box 395


Send anything you like to:

Marty Wombacher

P.O. Box 395

New York, NY • 10113

Reader Comments (7)

Don't be sad Marty :(
I sent something for you, yesterday :)

I hope that this plane knows how to fly and is not going to crash ! LOL

I'm going to send you my old dirty smelly Sneakers , & I'm going to wear them one more time with no socks & go for a run , so they will smell worst then they are now .

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJHwang

I Think I Can Fit In That ?

August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJHwang

Where is this mail box ?

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJHwang

I have a big zip lock bag of diareah from Panama Beach Florida that has been aged to perfection! I was going to send it to my Mother-in-law but i have changed my mind and believe that it belongs in the archives of the Marty Wombacher Show! Be sure to check your mail for the goodies!

I planed to go to a zoo soon and to steal an ostrich, I hope she will fit in the box! If not... JHwang, you can try to Fit in that !! ;) hi hi hi !

at least you have somewhere to practice your yodeling!

August 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

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