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Beer Frame


Last week I didn’t get a chance to do my usual Commentator shout out and I apologize. But I’m back and I thank all of you for leaving comments this week. I really appreciate it and read all of them with delight! So here now is a comment from everyone from last week.

I’ll start posting around noon tomorrow, so see yez all then! Thanks!




I think she was of Spanish decent, her name was "Cunts-way-low"

Wow. You were a fucked up kid. After sewing my best friend's eyelid shut, we dipped him in Developer part A. For those who dont get it, go work in a photolab.
Joey D

I have to agree with Joey, You were a fucked up kid! The eyelid and turpentine thing...........that is beyond just having some laughs with your buddies! Human heads in the fridge is a whole different thing! Here in Milwaukee, My old pal Jeff and I used to collect many heads and store them in the freezer so they would not spoil! We had great fun in collecting our heads and making delightful Kabobs on the grill for our lady friends Yeah! Good Times!
Professor Dungpie, Fountainhead of Enlightenment!

i hate rolling stone too! AND i hate rolling ROCK!

Ironic, Gutenberg invented the printing press, and now print and Steve Gutenberg's career are dead. Coincidence?

More like a snake in the bummer. I saw pictures to prove it.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.I can't understand a word of what she says.I need a translation of Cuntology.;-)

Actually, it's D'Oprah!
Aleksandra Stamenkov

When are they going to make the vibrating Comfort Wipe? Now that would be a big seller!

You got change for a dollar?Lookin' good, Marty. ; )
Xo Ms CosMod

where's my cheeseburgers?
tuesday weld

She has a nice pair of kings! I would like to poker up her ante!
Goober! Hung Like A Chipmunk!

7. Why the word "God" in French means a "sex toy" ?
A. Because God loves to put his cock in the ass
B. Because a creator can only to be in the shape of cock
C. Seriously... Do you know a French who believe in God???
D. Because the real creator is not Satan, but Santa (claus), Every french know that !!!
zioum zioum the chainsaw

D! !!I answer "D" to ALL of 'em , Marty!Yikes, that lightning bolt was CLOSE...watch out, Marty!
Marty (Louisville)

hey marty, looking good.
never stop..................................

How much did they pay those actors? What would it take to admit on camera that "being a big guy has its advantages, and disadvantages. This is a great product."?

I almost hate to admit this, but I love me some Kendra.
meleah rebeccah

Clap, clap! I just gave you the clap Marty!

You a dickface

youre a celeb dave, funniest random shittt ever
bentzy moskowitz

My f'n god, how much do I live Triumph. I recently acquired a DVD of his...he was feeding the girl dog the wiener...TAKE IT ALL BITCH..hahahaha....gah...I'd let triumph lick my snootch.
Dr. Flavor

I love this, Marty! [and I can actually comment here! Yay!]

I guess most of all, what I loved is that you really had to watch his infomercials and jot down some of his lines in order to pull this off.

You know the Germans always make good stuff!
Beau Brooks

Marty, it is scary how similar some of these stories are to mine. But, we are related. I hope my mother doesn't read this...she knows most of it anyway, and has probably blocked it out of her memory.
Acid at Disney Land...classic--you know, I did that at Six Flags, and there isn't a single person I've told who didn't think I was nuts for tripping on roller coasters--even the druggiest of friends. (To be honest, I spent the first hour or two in the newly installed lazy river--mind blowing...)

My favoroite quote of the day is Marty Wombacher on downers:
"They'd make you feel and act like you were dead drunk, and I preferred to get to that place naturally, by drinking."
Sammy G

A great rock 'n' roll tale, I'm going to check out Mr. Gold's website now!
Rockin' Bob

Man, I love these guys! Quite possibly the most seriously under-rated group of all time!!
Dan McKenzie

JEESUS Marty, The Ramones - I went to see them EVERYTIME they played in Chicago or suburbs! It seemed like every month they were in town. One of the first nights in my single white female apartment, I came home with a kitten. Didn't know what to name her. Put on a Ramones album,when Sheena is a Punk Rocker came blasting out - the kitten attacked the speakers - she became Sheena that night.

Reader Comments (1)

You have some hilarious people watching this show!

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRockin' Bob

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