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Triumph The Comic Insult Dog

I love Triumph the Comic Insult Dog and I got to see him live a few years ago when he came out with a new CD called, “Come Poop With Me.” He was making an in-store appearance at Virgin Records in Time Square and was going to perform some songs from the CD with some of the members of Max Weinberg’s band from the old Conan O’Brien show. So naturally I went and there were signs all over saying this was an adult show and children should not be watching. Well, halfway into the show, some asshole strolled by carrying a boy who was about five-years-old on his shoulders and the boy says, “Look Daddy, a puppet show, let’s watch!” So they stop as a song was ending. Then Triumph said, “Alright people here’s a filthy song for all of you called, ‘Cats Are Cunts.’” You should’ve seen how fast that guy ran away with his kid! Hilarious!

Here’s Triumph at last year’s Republican National Convention.

Reader Comments (3)

My f'n god, how much do I live Triumph. I recently acquired a DVD of his...he was feeding the girl dog the wiener...TAKE IT ALL BITCH..hahahaha....gah...I'd let triumph lick my snootch.

June 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Flavor

Triumph rules, LOL! Never seen this clip!

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGene

i loved it when he visited canada! apparently, the SCTV kids were anomalies.

June 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

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