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Beer Frame

It’s that time of night. I’m done with work, I’ve got most of my website stuff done for tomorrow so time for a few beers and relax for an hour or two. Or maybe three. Why not go for the gusto? Well one reason is that I have no idea what gusto really is. Not to get all Seinfeldian on your ass, but what’s the deal with the gusto? (dumdoodledumm...doodledeedoot)

You may think since I write about drinking here every night that I have some sort of problem. Well, as long as the fridge is stocked with beer, I’ve got no problem at all! (rimshot) But seriously folks, I’m not alone. Professor Dungpie is usually lurking around here after hours (a great movie by the way!) and I’m also accompanied by the three members of my official ShamWOW zoo. If you’ve never heard of the miraculous ShamWOW product or its coked-to-the-gills, hyper as a chihuahua on crack, Vince spokesperson, then check out this video.

Vince and the miracle of ShamWOW inspired my friend Ash to create ShamWOW bunnies. And being a ShamWOW fanatic myself, I had to have them. And further inspiration led her to make a ShamWOW monkey. So quicker than you cand say, “here they come walkin’ down the street,” I purchased that one as well. Here they are in all their ShamWOW glory! I named them (left to right): Vince 1, Vince 2, and Vince 3.

They are the perfect drinking companions since their little beers never get empty, so they’re not pilfering any out of my supply. And Vince 2 is so high on mushrooms, he has no idea that he doesn’t even have a beer!

So cheers to all of you from the four of us here on 16th Street in beautiful downtown Manhattan!

Oh and of course Cheers to Vince, the man who thinks we all spend twenty dollars a month on paper towels...well, maybe you do spend that much if you’re beating the shit out of a hooker for biting your tongue off!



P.S. Ash, the creator of my ShamWOW zoo, has her own website, check it out right here. And you can see all her creations here.

Goodnight Professor Dungpie, wherever you are! Oh and I appreciate all the comments that have been left and every Friday in a post I’m going to comment back to some of them. A special shout-out and thanks to my two top commentators of the week, Michelle and Biff! Your comments always make my day, thanks. Okay, I’m going to go drink now.

Reader Comments (3)

That's right Marty! I'm lurking about here somewhere, with a beer in my hand! Don't you listen to those 12 stepper's! Drinking is the only way to survive in this cesspool...........no....not your website.........the world!

Because, I too, love Vince and his ShamWow.


May 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoey D


i'll bet it'd be hard to holla if a hooker bit your tongue off.

May 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff

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