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Thank  Fuck It’s Friday!
And today I’m making an announcement concerning this show. I’m only going to be updating it on Sundays and Mondays from here on in. The reason being is I have a new project I’m starting to work on and I can’t do the show full time and this project and work a full time job. And drink beer. There’s just not enough hours in the day, so something has to give. And I’ll be fucked if I’m shortening my drinking time! At first I was just going to put TMWS on hiatus, like I have my big butt site, but I really like doing this, so I thought to keep it somewhat alive, I’ll do it two days out of the week. I appreciate all of you who stop by here and hope you continue to do so on Sundays and Mondays. I’m really excited about this new project and hope to debut it on January 3rd, 2010. So that’s the word, thanks again and I’ll see you in two days on Lazy-Ass Sunday! See Motherfucker?

And “Boris” will now do a weekly Home Page art entry, every Monday. Today’s is another great one, kind of a cheesecake style. Sweet stuff, Daddio! If you need artwork for your website, “Boris” is available for freelance work. He also does CD and book covers, retouching, custom made logos and more. Just send me an email from the Home Page and I’ll pas it along to TMWS resident artist.

Alright, sneeze you on Sunday, Happy Friday!

Reader Comments (5)

What the fuck's wrong with that kitty-cat's ears?!?!?!

October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

I didnt know that cat paws smell like fecal matter.

October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSniffing glue is fun.

Sounds good to me. Ill see you on the days you post!

October 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermeleah rebeccah

I'm just waiting the day where we will be able to chose how many hours contain a day !
Days sucking can have 2 hours & Great days 72hours !!
I understand Marty ! I'm running after the time too, and Zioums Zioum the Chainsaw from the planet Zioum seems to be in vacation on the planet Ummo !!
Universe is friendly !!!! :D

October 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

Meow Zioum Meow

October 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Robot Cat

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