A Cheesy Photoblog!

Last night (Sunday, August 23rd) I had a hankering for a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich and posted about it. If you missed it, check it out here: Sunday’s post. Well I went and I photodocumented it for you and here it is. Before you look at the photos, check out this video though, it’s a Philly primer about Cheesesteaks and the two best places in the world to get one.
Okay, now that you’ve seen the video, it’s off to Wogie’s.
Here we go down Sixth Avenue following this nimrod who looks like someone that got abandoned by a hotel.
I love the walking man, he’s a friend of mine and the subject of a short film by my friend Joe Freedman. Check it out: Walking Man Film.
Do not eat a Cheese Steak Sandwich here, they don’t use Cheez Whiz and they are imposters!
The World of Video, located right next to The Wonderful World of Eight Track Tapes.
Ripco Real Estate? Poor choice for a title, I think.
Hi Asshole!
Almost there, which is good, because as you can see, the weather isn’t looking too good. Auntie Em, Auntie Em!
Here we are, Wogie’s, now it’s time to see if there Cheese Steak boast is true.
The Bartender for the evening is Anthony and he’s from Philly and has dined at both Geno’s and Pat’s. He says he prefers Geno’s and delivers the shocking news that neither serve beer! Okay, strike Philadelphia off the old vacation list!
He’s got the devil eyes!
He’s not only the president of The I Need To Join The Hairclub For Men, he’s a member!
For the appetizer I ordered the Wogie’s Chips. These are flatbread crackers smothered in melted gorganzola cheese and served with homemade hot sauce.
Here’s a closeup of the chips...did I mention the hot sauce is homemade?
And here they are fully sauced up! They’re delicious and a meal unto itself! And the hot sauce is delicious...I mentioned that it’s homemade, right? I was going to order chicken wings too, but after this, I bagged that idea and hoped I could just finish the Cheese Steak sandwich.
Here’s a failed self-portrait at the bar.
Here’s a slightly better one in the bathroom.
And just like in Pulp Fiction, when I return from the bathroom my food is there! Here’s the sandwich with an entire tub of hot sauce dumped on it!
And here I am taking the first bite, it was fucking great!
Here’s the guy sitting next to me who took the photo. His name is Mike and it turns out that he too is from Philidelphia, although he told me he prefers Pat’s to Geno’s. Luckily Anthony the bartender wasn’t standing nearby when he told me this. I didn’t want the two of them to get into a fight, that would disturb my steady stream of beers being delivered to me and after eating all that hot sauce, I needed that steady stream!
Halfway through!
And here I am, covered in sweat and filled with meat and cheese. I’ve finished the sandwich. It was fucking great and I will return!
I saw this on the way home and now it’s time to play: You make the call! Beer or Urine Sample...You Make the Call!
Speaking of beer, now it’s time for dessert...Cheers!