Marty's Guestbook
Wha diz awl thissshit?

Big site Marty. I disagree about Col. Sanders. You were too young when we moved from Kentucky.

Just read your FAQ's. You are mighty negative. Probably because you live in a large stinking city. Take some time to relax

You'll have to thank your pal Jason for mentioning your site on Lulu.
I love your FAQs, especially 'what is the time?' and 'what is life?'
I'm a mad Brit who might just stalk you...

Lookin' good Marty. I mean the Web site. You ain't getting any prettier. - DeWayne

Great, Marty! Love it.

thought it was great. loved the travelogue. you somehow made the subway more inviting.

Hey Martissimo, the new website looks frickin' great! It's everything I expected and more. I'll spread the word to both of my friends about it!

I'm diggin it

It's a long way from Peoria, Marty. Congratulations. Best, Dick.

Good show! I especially liked your trip to Central Park!

So this is NYC! All i can say is ShamfuckingWow! Is there an open bar? Are you in your dressing room snorting coke with Hollywood Starlets? Who do i see to get my parking validated?

(Even though I'm not going to comment back much on the site, I felt I needed to sum up bob's sentiments.)
Rolling Stones—Got No Expectations.
Bob—Got No Expectatons—Squared
So...what's an expectaton, Bob?

got no expectatons

got no expectatons

rolling stones got no expectations

Looking good--great design and of course, there'll be lots of funny shit once it takes off! I'll look forward to visiting often!

Hey Marty, Great job on the website. I am looking very forward to it going LIVE!

Frank Scott